International Panel Survey Methods Workshop 2012

Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 July 2012 in Melbourne

Tuesday, 3 July 2012
6.00pm Registration and Welcome Reception
Melbourne Institute Boardroom and Foyer, Level 7, Alan Gilbert Building, 161 Barry Street, Carlton
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
8:00am Registration
8:45am Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:55am Session 1: Finding fieldwork efficiencies

Chair: Peter Lynn (University of Essex

"Early Bird"; Fielding and Maximizing Efficiency A Longitudinal Experience
Vicki Wilmer, Jennifer Brown (University of Chicago), and Karima Nagi (Ohio State University)

Optimizing Call Attempts in a Longitudinal Survey: Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Patricia Andreski, Robert Schoeni, Katherine McGonagle, and Eva Leissou (University of Michigan)
Using response propensity models to inform fieldwork practice on the fifth wave of the Millennium Cohort Study
Lisa Calderwood (Institute of Education), Andrew Cleary, Giulio Flore (Ipsos MORI) and Richard Wiggins (Institute of Education)
10.25 - 10.55am Morning Tea
10.55am - 12.25pm Session 2: Dependent interviewing

Chair: Narayan Sastry (University of Michigan)

Integrating Dependent Interviewing into a CAPI EHC: Challenges and Opportunities for the Survey of Income and Program Participation-Event History Calendar (SIPP-EHC)
Jason M. Fields (US Census Bureau)

Cumulative effects of dependent interviewing on measurement error: results from a four-wave validation study
Annette Jckle (University of Essex), Johannes Eggs, Mark Trappmann (Institute for Employment Research)
Data accuracy for off-seam months
Peter Lugtig, Anja Boeve (Utrecht University) and Tina Glasner (Free University Amsterdam)
12.25 - 1.10pm Lunch
1.10 - 2.40pm Session 3: Mode Effects

Chair: Michele Haynes (University of Queensland)

The Effect of a Single Wave of Mixed Mode Data Collection on Panel Attrition
Peter Lynn (University of Essex)

Mode Effects in a Panel Study
Mick P. Couper, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Frost Hubbard, and David Weir (University of Michigan)
How Does the Transition to CAPI Affect the Quality of Data in a Longitudinal Study? The Case of KLIPS
Sangho Lee and Kijoon Bae (Korea Labor Institute)
2.40 - 3.10pm Afternoon Tea and Poster Session
3.10 - 4.10pm Session 4: Role of the interviewers

Chair: Lisa Calderwood (Institute of Education)

Personality Traits and Interviewer Effects in Face-To-Face Surveys
Martin Kroh (DIW Berlin)

Interviewers influence on consent to the collection of biomarkers
Julie M. Korbmacher, Ulrich Krieger (Munich Center for the Economics of Ageing)
4.10 - 4.30pm Break
4.30 - 5.30pm Session 5: Interviewers and panel conditioning

Chair: John Henstridge (Data Analysis Australia)

The Time of Their Lives - Collecting time use data from children in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC)
Joanne Corey, Jenny Gallagher and Elisabeth Davis (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

Does Measurement Affect Relationship Quality and Stability? An Experimental Study on Panel Conditioning
Josef Brderl, Klaus Pforr, Nina Schumann, Jette Schrder, Philipp Schtze, (University of Munich and University of Mannheim)
5.30pm Break
7.00pm Workshop Dinner
Thursday, 5 July 2012
9.00 - 10.30am Session 6: Attrition I

Chair: Mark Wooden (University of Melbourne)

Attrition and Non-response in a Longitudinal Survey: Application of the Reasoned Action Approach to Israels Panel Survey Design Process
Galit Gordoni(Central Bureau of Statistics)

Attrition in the Second Wave of the National Income Dynamics Study
Reza C. Daniels, Arden Finn (University of Cape Town)
Association between Refusals and Data Quality: Evidence from a Panel Study of Taiwan
Ruoh-Rong Yu (Academia Sinica)
10.30 - 11.00am Morning Tea and Poster Session
11.00am - 12.30pm Session 7: Attrition II

Chair: Anthony Scott (University of Melbourne)

Income Dynamics
Denise Duffy and Narayan Sastry (University of Michigan)

Predictors of Retention and Re-engagement in Panel Studies
Mary Beth Ofstedal, Katherine A. McGonagle, Mick P. Couper, Patricia Andreski, Jack Chen, Heidi Guyer, Eva Leissou (University of Michigan) and Nicole Watson (University of Melbourne)
Identification and impact of non-ignorable non-response in the HILDA and BHPS health variables
Steve Pudney (University of Essex) and Nicole Watson (University of Melbourne)
12.30 - 1.30pm Lunch
1.30 - 3.00pm Sesson 8: Fieldwork and refreshment samples

Chair: Robert Breunig (Australian National University)

Experimenting with Incentives in the 2010 SHARE Refresher Sample
Ulrich Krieger (Munich Center for the Economics of Ageing)

Informing panel members about study results: Effects of traditional and innovative forms of feedback on participation
Annette Scherpenzeel (CentERdata), Vera Toepoel (Tilburg University) and Meike Morren (CentERdata) Presented by Marije Oudejans (CentERdata)
Combining refreshment or boost samples with an existing panel sample: challenges and solutions
Olena Kaminska and Peter Lynn (University of Essex)
3.00 - 3.30pm Afternoon Tea
3.30 - 4.30pm Session 9: Data linkage

Chair: Martin Kroh (DIW Berlin)

Triggers of consent to link administrative records to survey data: Evidence from the Innovation Panel of the new UK household longitudinal study, Understanding Society
Jon Burton (University of Essex), Emanuela Sala (University of Milano-Bicocca), Gundi Knies (University of Essex)

Using National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) data in the Longitudinal Study of Australian children (LSAC)
Galina Daraganova, Ben Edwards and Mark Sipthorp (Australian Institute of Family Studies)
4.30 - 5.00pm Closing Discussion

Chair: Mick Couper (University of Michigan)


Web-based Documentation of Longitudinal Studies
Marcel Hebing, Jan Goebel, and Jürgen Schupp (DIW Berlin)

Is Household Panel Data Conditionally Compromised? An investigation into the quality of panel data through time as applied to social policy
Stephen Horn (Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs)

Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) Longitudinal Survey of Doctors
Tony Scott (University of Melbourne)