International Panel Survey Methods Workshop 2012

Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 July 2012 in Melbourne

Paper submission

Paper submission has now closed for the 3rd Panel Survey Methods Workshop, 4-5 July 2012 at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

The aim of the workshop is to foster discussion and initiate methodological research specific to the collection of panel survey data. The format of the meeting will be informal, designed to encourage interaction and collaboration. Presentations will be limited to a 10 minute summary of key findings or ideas, in order to allow generous time for discussion. All participants will have had a chance to study materials in advance, as presenters will be asked to circulate a handout before the workshop. The handout should provide background information upon which the presentation will be built. One person from each panel study represented at the workshop will be invited to also provide a 2-page summary of the recent and planned key methodological developments and these will be circulated prior to the workshop. The meeting will end with a brainstorming session, to identify a research agenda of the key issues.

The focus is primarily on surveys that involve collecting data from subjects on multiple occasions (panel surveys). Note that the workshop is concerned with the data collection methods used by such surveys, not with the substantive findings. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Measurement error, including panel conditioning, seam effects, recall error, and dependent interviewing;
  • Mixed mode data collection, including effects on cost, measurement error, attrition, and logistics;
  • Attrition and non-response, including effects of survey design features, assessment of bias, methods to minimise effects, and adjustment methods (weighting and imputation);
  • Role of interviewers in longitudinal surveys;
  • Paradata, including collection and use in longitudinal surveys;
  • Sampling issues, including refreshment sampling and following rules;
  • Innovations in longitudinal surveys, including biomarkers, online panels, matrix sampling, remote access, linking data sources, consent issues, and experimental designs; and
  • Use of administrative data in longitudinal surveys.

Papers may provide a review of research and practice in a particular methodological area, present the findings of new methodological research or outline planned research for which the presenter would like feedback. Submissions will be screened by the organising committee, who will select papers that address relevant topics and collectively provide a balanced program.


Submissions for the workshop have now closed. Authors of accepted papers are required to register for the workshop, to submit a handout by 4 June 2012, for circulation prior to the workshop, and to present their paper orally.

For queries about the workshop and registration, please contact Penny Hope at [email protected]