Inaugural MABEL Research Forum 2013

Friday 12 April 2013 at the University of Melbourne


Registration closed on 28 March 2013.

If you have an enquiry about the registration for this Forum, please contact Penny Hope at [email protected] or 03 8344 2151.


Forum registration includes:

  • Lunch, morning/afternoon teas and beverages throughout the day
  • Forum program, papers and electronic access to download forum proceedings

Cancellation and Substitution

Delegates who find themselves unable to attend the forum after submitting a registration are most welcome to nominate a substitute or cancel. All substitutions and cancellations must be made in writing to the Functions Manager at the Melbourne Institute. Cancellations received before 10 April 2013 will be refunded. Cancellations after this date are not refundable. Exceptions for cancellations are at the discretion of the Functions Manager.


The information collected in the registration form or on the online registration is being collected by the Melbourne Institute. You can contact us on +61 3 8344 2151 or [email protected]

The information collected is for your registration for this event.

On registering for this conference, relevant details will be incorporated into a delegate list for the benefit of all delegates (name and organisation only), and may be used by us to send out further information about the conference and the Melbourne Institute. Your details will not be sent to any other party.

If you do not provide all the information that is requested in registering for this event, we may not be able to register you. However, should you not wish for your details to be included in the delegate list, please tick the relevant box in the registration form or contact the event registration desk as soon as possible.

The University has a detailed Privacy Policy and you can access any personal information the University holds about you.  You can contact the Privacy Officer about this and with any questions about how the University deals with personal information. See and [email protected]


General Enquiries

Ms Penny Hope
Functions Manager, Melbourne Institute
Ph: +61 3 8344 2151
Email: [email protected]