Inaugural MABEL Research Forum 2013

Friday 12 April 2013 at the University of Melbourne


Final Program pdf


Draft Program - 12 April 2013
8.45 - 9.15am Coffee and Registration
9.15 - 9.30am


Anthony Scott, Professorial Research Fellow, Melbourne Institute

Opening: Penny Shakespeare, Department of Health and Ageing

9.30 - 11.00am Medical Workforce Participation

Chair and Policy Context: Dan Jefferson, Department of Health, Victoria

  1. Mai Pham, The Australian National University
    Who Provides GP Out-Of-Hours Care
  2. Julia Ellershaw, Australian Catholic University
    Work Differences by Sector For Medical Specialists: Evidence of a Public Sector Ethos
  3. Terence Cheng, The University of Melbourne
    Labour supply of Physicians in the Public and Private Sectors
11.00 - 11.30am Morning Tea
11.30am - 1.00pm Medical Organisations and Career Transitions

Chair and Policy Context: Jane Austin, Health Workforce Australia

  1. Andre Gulyas, Australian Catholic University
    A Taxonomy of Primary Healthcare in Australia
  2. Catherine Joyce, Monash University
    Retirement patterns and career transitions for older doctors
  3. Peter Sivey, The University of Melbourne
    Junior Doctors Specialty Choice – Stated and Revealed Preferences
1.00 - 2.00pm Lunch
2.00 - 3.30pm Rural Workforce Supply and Distribution

Chair and Policy Context: Lou Andreatta, Department of Health and Ageing

  1. John Humphreys, Monash University
    Translating medical workforce data into evidence-based policy for rural workforce recruitment and retention incentives
  2. Matthew McGrail, Monash University
    Who moves where and why? - Understanding the dynamics of rural GP mobility
  3. Jinhu Li, The University of Melbourne
    Retaining rural GPs: preferences for rural medical workforce policy incentives
3.30 - 4.00pm Afternoon Tea
4.00 - 5.15pm

Panel Discussion
Chair: Ian Crettenden, Health Workforce Australia
Panel: Anthony Scott, The University of Melbourne, Don Roberton, Medical Schools Outcomes Database, Adrian Webster, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Deborah Brown, Health Workforce Australia
The Future of Longitudinal Data on the Australian Health Workforce

5.15 - 5.30pm Closing Remarks: Anthony Scott, The University of Melbourne