MABEL Research Forum 2014: Program

Thursday 10 April 2014 at the Melbourne Business School


For enquiries regarding the program or the Forum, please contact 03 8344 2151 or [email protected]

Printable Program pdf

NHMRC Centre for Excellence in Medical Workforce Dynamics

Medicine in Australia - Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL)

Venue: Melbourne Business School, 200 Leicester Street, Carlton [see here for location]

8.45 - 9.15am Coffee and Registration
9.15 - 9.30am Introduction

Anthony Scott, The University of Melbourne

Presentation pdf

9.30 - 10.50am Rural Workforce Supply and Distribution
  Chair: Cathy Teager, Health Workforce Australia

Policy Commentary: Ian Kamerman, President, Rural Doctors Association of Australia

Presentation pdf


Overview of MABEL Research: John Humphreys, Monash University

Presentation pdf

Short Presentations

Patterns of specialist outreach to rural areas: the influence of specialist characteristics, location and practice arrangements

Belinda G. O’Sullivan, Monash University

Presentation pdf


The Effect of Government Subsidies on General Practitioners’ Location and Labour Supply Decisions

Chunzhou Mu, University of Technology in Sydney

Presentation pdf

10.50 - 11.20am Morning Tea
11.20am - 12.40pm Medical Workforce Participation
  Chair: James Churchill, Australian Medical Association Council of Doctors in Training

Policy Commentary: Jan Coles and Deborah Colville, Australian Federation of Medical Women

Presentation pdf


Overview of MABEL Research: Guyonne Kalb, The University of Melbourne

Presentation pdf

Short Presentations

Changes in doctors’ working hours: A longitudinal analysis

Catherine Joyce, Monash University

Presentation pdf

How do Australian doctors respond to wage changes?

Terence Cheng, University of Melbourne

Presentation pdf

12.40 - 1.40pm Lunch
1.40 - 3.00pm Cross Cutting Themes
  Chair: Jane Gunn, The University of Melbourne
  Policy Commentary: David Clarke, Monash University

Overview of MABEL research: Anthony Scott, University of Melbourne

Presentation pdf

Short Presentations

Professional control, locus of control and job satisfaction

Margaret Abernethy, University of Melbourne

Presentation pdf

Determinants of Australian Doctors’ self-reported health

Taya Annable, Monash University

3.00 - 3.30pm Afternoon Tea
3.30 - 5.00pm Career Transitions
  Chair: Robyn Burley, Director of Workforce Development, Ministry of Health - New South Wales

Overview of MABEL research: Catherine Joyce, Monash University

Presentation pdf


Panel Discussion: Competition in medical careers: key policy and research issues

With increasing numbers of graduates placing pressure on medical training pipelines, medical training and medical practice is becoming more competitive. With continuing maldistribution across geographic areas, sectors and specialties, the aim of this panel discussion is to address several questions. Can maldistribution be addressed through more doctors? How can policy makers influence medical career choices? How can doctors be persuaded to practice in areas of shortage and need? What are the lessons for health workforce planning? Should medical training be re-structured? How will competition for jobs influence doctors career pathways? How can research and evidence help support policy development?

James Churchill, AMA Council of Doctors in Training Slide pdf
Kunal Luthra, Vice President, Australian Medical Students' Association
Terry Brown, Chair, Confederation of Postgraduate Medical Education Councils Richard Doherty, Dean, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Maureen McCarty, Health Workforce Australia
Catherine Joyce, Monash University

5.00 - 5.15pm Closing Remarks: Anthony Scott, The University of Melbourne