Hilda News - 2011


24 November 2011

Release 10 forms are available

Release 10 of the HILDA data (which includes waves 1 to 10) is now available. If you haven't already ordered data and would like to, please visit our Ordering the Data page.

For individuals whose organisation has an Organisational Licence, please contact your Data Manager to obtain the Release 10 forms. If you are a Data Manager and have not yet obtained the Release 10 Organisational Licence forms, please contact FaHCSIA.

If you would like to pre-order and have been approved access to Release 10 by FaHCSIA, the datasets and other relevant information (i.e. password emails, invoices / receipts) will be received before 5 December. For those of you collecting your datasets in person (e.g. University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute staff), please wait until you receive the password email before coming to collect your dataset.

20 October 2011

Call for all HILDA Publications for 2011 Annual Report

This is a call for HILDA data user publications for the 2011 HILDA Annual Report.

For the Annual Report, publications can include:

For the HILDA website only, publications can include:

If you have a publication that is not currently listed on the HILDA bibliography web pages, please send through the details.

As a requirement for using the HILDA data, you will need to include the appropriate acknowledgement and disclaimer in any publications that cite the HILDA data, as indicated in Section 6f of the Manual for the Access to and Use of FaHCSIA Longitudinal Survey Dataset (page 20).

4 May 2011

Wave 10

Fieldwork for wave 10 was completed in February, and we are pleased to report that Roy Morgan Research has once again done an outstanding job. We have once again achieved a headline response rate (calculated as the proportion of previous wave respondents that were successfully interviewed) in excess of 96%.

Also of note, the response rate for the self-complete questionnaire (SCQ) has improved compared with wave 9, with preliminary figures indicating that completed SCQs were obtained from just over 88% of interviewees.

Wave 11

A key feature of wave 11 is the inclusion of our first ever significant sample augmentation. Approximately 3000 additional households from 125 locations (Census Collection Districts) will be approached. The blocklisting of those selected locations is currently underway.

HILDA Survey Research Conference, July 14-15

The full conference program is now up on our website, at: http://www.melbourneinstitute.com/miaesr/events/conferences/conferences_HILDA_2011_program.html

Early Bird registration price is just $200 ($120 for students), but this offer ends on 1st June.

To register, go to:

User Training, July 13

Registrations for the one-day HILDA Survey Data training course, being held on the day immediately prior to the Research Conference, are still open. The registration fee is just $80.

Job Vacancy Research Fellowship

We are currently advertising a Research Fellow position. We are especially interested in someone who would describe their interests as falling into one or more of the three following categories: “household economics”, “family economics” or “economic demography”.

The job has two main requirements: i) to contribute to our Annual Statistical Report; and (ii) to pursue a research agenda where household panel data, and especially HILDA data, are central, with a view to publication in leading international journals.

SALARY: $80,318 to $95,375 pa + 17% superannuation

The link to the advertisement is at http://jobs.unimelb.edu.au/jobDetails.asp?sJobIDs=737823&lWorkTypeID=&lLocationID=&lCategoryID=1800&lPayScaleID=&stp=AW&sLanguage=en

So if you know of any one that might be both suitable and / or interested, we’d appreciate it if you brought it to their attention.

Discussion Paper Series

Our most recent discussion papers are available from our website. Among other things, they provide a comparative analysis of response rates to the BHPS, GSOEP and HILDA Survey. The publication details are:

15 April 2011

FLoSse Research - Making HILDA research more accessible
Research based on the HILDA, LSAC and LSIC datasets is now more accessible. FLoSse Research is a searchable repository containing bibliographic details of research, based on one or more of FaHCSIAs longitudinal datasets.

FLoSse Research is available at http://flosse.fahcsia.gov.au/. Links are also available from the HILDA, LSAC and LSIC websites.

Users of the datasets will no longer be required to provide copies of their research directly to FaHCSIA. Instead, they will be required to enter bibliographic details directly into FLoSse Research.

FLoSse contains comprehensive search facilities that will help you to find information about research based on the three longitudinal datasets. You can also request alerts to be sent to you when new items of interest to you are made available through FLoSse.

FLoSse has been populated with some of the research we know about. We suggest you check that any items attributed to you are correct. We have done our best to ensure the accuracy of the items but we cannot guarantee it.  You cannot correct entries already in the repository but if you email [email protected] we will make the corrections. We would especially like to include the abstracts for entries that do not already include them. Note that where we were unsure of exact months we have included a dummy of December.  There may also be more than one version of your name if they are cited differently in different items (e.g. one initial or two). If you would like us to make a change to an existing entry, please quote the FLoSse reference, which appears in the details of the entry and looks like this http://hdl.handle.net/10620/2522

FLoSse Research is not designed to hold the research material in full but merely to advertise the existence of the research and enable access to research.  It is anticipated that the majority of research listed in FLoSse will be available on other websites. There will also be a large component available through publications such as journals and books.

If you have research based on the datasets that is not already listed in FLoSse, please enter the details directly into FLoSse in order to meet your obligations under the deed you signed to gain access to the data. More information about why and how to deposit your research into FLoSse is available in the attached documents. 

Please visit the FLoSse Research web page on the HILDA website for more information including why and how to deposit your research into FLoSse.

Any comments or questions about FLoSse can be sent to [email protected].

8 April 2011

The 2010 HILDA Annual Report is now available.
Note that people who have ordered HILDA Release 9 and some HILDA list subscribers will receive a hardcopy of the HILDA Annual Report in the next couple of weeks.

6 April 2011

Reminder: Submission deadline (abstracts) HILDA Conference 2011

HILDA Survey "10th Anniversary" Research Conference 2011, Thursday 14 and Friday 15 July at the University of Melbourne

Reminder: Call for Papers

Submission deadline:

Non-refereed stream (abstracts only): Friday 8 April 2011

How to submit: Send your abstract or full paper by email to [email protected]

Information and enquiries:

Website: HILDA Conference 2011

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 3 8344 2151

24 February 2011

2011 HILDA User Training

Wednesday 13 July 2011 at the University of Melbourne
Registrations are now open for the 2011 HILDA User Training.
This training session aims to give you an overview of the HILDA Survey and its datasets and documentation. It will cover:

The training will be presented by a number of people from the HILDA team at the Melbourne Institute, including Mark Wooden, Roger Wilkins, Nicole Watson, Simon Freidin and others. This training will be in a lecture-style format and there will be ample opportunity to ask questions. Further details regarding the training and registration are available on the HILDA User Training Website.

Registration may be made in two ways:

1. By using the Melbourne Institute eCart for online registrations with credit card


2. By downloading, printing and completing the Registration Form and faxing to 03 8344 2111 or emailing [email protected]

For inquiries about the training, please contact the HILDA Administrative Assistant at [email protected] or 03 8344 2108.

2 February 2011

Reminder: Call for papers HILDA Conference 2011

Submission deadline:
Refereed stream (full papers): Friday 11 March 2011
Non-refereed stream (abstracts only): Friday 8 April 2011

How to submit:
Send your abstract or full paper by email to [email protected]

Information and enquiries:
Website: HILDA Conference 2011
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 3 8344 2151