Hilda News - 2005


6 December 2005

We are now taking orders for HILDA Release 4.0 (Waves 1-4) which will be released on 16 January 2006. On the order form, you will need to sign an agreement not to release or publish the results until the HILDA Annual Report 2005 is released (which we expect to occur in early 2006).

If you have any further questions, please contact the HILDA Administrative Assistant by email or phone 03 8344 2108.

11 November 2005

There was an error in the wave 3 program which brings forward data from previous waves, discovered by Tue Gorgens.

It only occurs for wave 3 derived variables brought forward as history variables, and if the respondent is a new respondent at wave 3.

Questionnaire items brought forward as history variables are not affected.

The following variables have no valid data for new respondents (chhpq=2).

cehtjb   'History: Time in paid work - years'. (547 valid responses missing)
cehtuj   'History: Time unemployed and looking for work - years'. (547 valid responses missing)
cehto    'History: Time not working and not looking for work - years'. (547 valid responses missing)
crtage   'History: Age retired/intends to retire'. (83 valid responses missing)
cmrplvt  'History: Years living together before present or most recent marriage'. (97 valid responses missing)
cmr1lvt  'History: Years living together before first marriage'. (9 valid responses missing)
cmr2lvt  'History: Years living together before second marriage'. (2 valid responses missing)
corcdur  'History: Current defacto duration - years'. (191 valid responses missing)
cmrcdur  'History: Current marriage duration - years'. (191 valid responses missing)
cmrwdur  'History: Current widow duration - years'. (9 valid responses missing)
cmrsdur  'History: Current separated or divorced from date of separation - years'. (34 valid responses missing)

My apologies for the error. It will be corrected for the next release in January.

Should you urgently need corrected data on these history variables, please email Simon Freidin.


5 October 2005

We are currently in the process of writing our HILDA Survey Annual Report for 2005 and would like a current list of all HILDA publications and papers that use the HILDA Survey data.  Therefore, can you please send me the details of any papers that you have presented, articles that have been published or forthcoming articles that have been accepted for publishing involving the HILDA Survey data?

We would appreciate having this information by Monday, 10 October 2005, and please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Please email [email protected].

20 July 2005

Wave 5 HILDA Survey Instruments

The final versions of the main survey instruments for wave 5 of the HILDA Survey are now available from the HILDA Survey web site.

(The Showcards are not yet available but will be uploaded soon).

The main new features of wave 5 include:

Note that some users have mistakenly assumed that the SF-36 health survey and the life events inventory were not to be included in wave 5 since they were missing from the Dress Rehearsal. As you will see, both of these measures have been returned to the main survey.

HILDA Survey Research Conference, 29-30 September

The program for the second HILDA Survey Research Conference has been finalised.

All interested in attending are urged to register as soon as possible, especially if they wish to secure a place at the Conference dinner. The registration form is also available on the HILDA Survey website.

User Training Course, 28 September

Preceding the Research Conference, a HILDA User Training course is being held for users.
Places are limited and will be filled on a first-come first-served basis. The cost of attending the one-day course is $75.

Wave 4

The final wave 4 data set was received from ACNielsen in May and is now being processed by our data management team. Key response rates for wave 4 are as follows:

Wave 6 (and beyond)

Planning for wave 6 has now begun. The major feature of wave 6 will be the re-inclusion of the wealth module, previously included in wave 2. The inclusion of the wealth module will preclude any other new topics being covered in the wave 6 interview instruments, but there is scope for new material in the self-completion questionnaire. We are also starting to think about possible content for wave 7.

Any users who would like to suggest new topics or questions or any improvements to the current set of items should email Mark Wooden.

New faces in the HILDA team

Dr Melanie Davern commenced in June as a Survey Research Officer on a part-time basis. Melanie has a PhD in psychology from Deakin University and previously worked on the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index project led by Prof Bob Cummins.

Mr Paul Agius will commence in August as a Database Support Officer. Paul has a Graduate Diploma in sociology from La Trobe University and previously worked at the Australian Research Centre in Sex Health and Society at La Trobe.

Ms Alison Goode will commence in September. She has accepted a part-time appointment as a Survey Research Officer. Alison has a Masters degree in public health from University of Aberdeen and was most recently employed at the Health Economics Research Unit at Aberdeen.

Mr Duane Barron has recently replaced Samantha Roberts (who left us for a two-year job in East Timor) as the HILDA Survey Administrative Assistant. Duane joined the Melbourne Institute in November last year. He previously worked in administration at Central Queensland University.

HILDA Bibliography

All HILDA Survey users are reminded that we like to list all publications and papers that use the HILDA Survey data and are in the public domain on our website. So if you have presented a paper or have an article that has been published or is forthcoming that you have not told us about, please contact the HILDA Administrative Assistant.

Are You Complying with Your License Requirements?

It has come to our attention that many papers are being published or presented without an appropriate acknowledgement of the source of the data or the roles played by FaCS and the Melbourne Institute in funding and managing the HILDA Survey. This constitutes a breach of the license signed by all users.

Data users are directed to clause 9.3 of their license, which states:

9.3 The Researcher agrees to acknowledge the source of the Data in any reports and publications developed using the Data, or part thereof. The Researcher must include a statement in reports and publications that use the Data, or part thereof, that the research findings are the product of the Researcher and the views expressed by the Researcher should not be attributed to FaCS or the Melbourne Institute and that neither FaCS nor the Melbourne Institute accepts any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the research findings.

9.3.1 The following acknowledgement should be included in any reports and publications ‘This paper uses confidentialised unit record file from the
Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey. The HILDA Project was initiated and is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services (FaCS) and is managed by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research (MIAESR). The findings and views reported in this paper, however, are those of the author and should not be attributed to either FaCS or the MIAESR.’

We would also recommend that data users who are looking for a short-cut to describing the survey methodology refer to either the HILDA Survey manual or either or both of the survey articles published in The Australian Economic Review. The full citations for these publications are as follows:

23 May 2005

2005 HILDA Survey Research Conference: Register Now!

Registration for the 2005 HILDA Survey Research Conference, 29-30 September, is now open.

Registration at the 2-day conference is just $165 (incl GST). There is an additional charge for the Conference Dinner on Thursday night.

The full Conference program can also be downloaded from this website. As you will see, the Conference will be opened by the Minister for Family and Community Services, Senator Kay Patterson. The presentations on the program will address a wide variety of topics including, for example: the impact of part-time work on other family members; multiple dimensions of poverty; mental health and labour force status; income and marital separation; workforce transitions following unemployment; maternity leave and the consequences for wage differentials; and the impact of smoking bans.

I look forward to seeing you here in September.

16 March 2005

The 2004 HILDA Annual Report was released last night by Senator Kay Patterson.

Media Release - Department of Family and Community Services
Media Release - University of Melbourne

You can download the HILDA Annual Report from this website (if you can only see the 2002 and 2003 Annual Reports, then press the Refresh button on your browser). A copy of the report will be posted out to those people who are currently subscribed to the HILDA email list.

4 February 2005

The second HILDA Survey research conference is to be held at the University of Melbourne on 29-30 September 2005. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for the discussion of research based on the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. Attendance at the conference is open to all persons interested in the HILDA Survey and longitudinal survey research. A modest registration fee (probably $150) will be levied.

Submissions of papers are now being sought on any topic that makes use of the HILDA Survey data. Contributions towards the travel and accommodation costs of presenters will be available. (We hope to be able to cover the cost of an economy airfare and two nights accommodation for all presenters.)

We are aiming for 25-30 papers, with priority being given to papers that exploit the longitudinal nature of the data. Papers on methods and cross-national comparisons are also welcome.

200-400 word abstracts of papers for presentation should be submitted by Friday 4 March 2005. Abstracts should be sent to the HILDA Administrative Assistant:

HILDA Administrative Assistant
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
Faculty of Economics and Commerce

Mailing address:
Level 7, Alan Gilbert Building
The University of Melbourne VIC 3010

Street address:
Room 611, 6th floor (enter via 7th floor)
Alan Gilbert Building
161 Barry Street (corner of Grattan St, Carlton)

Phone: + 61 3 8344 2108
Fax: + 61 3 8344 2111
Email: [email protected]