Hilda News - 2010


6 December 2010

Release 9 forms now available

Release 9 of the HILDA data (which includes waves 1 to 9) is now available. If you haven't already ordered data and would like to, please visit our Ordering the Data page.

For individuals whose organisation has an Organisational Licence, please contact your Data Manager to obtain the Release 9 forms. If you are a Data Manager and have not yet obtained the Release 9 Organisational Licence forms, please contact FaHCSIA.

If you have already pre-ordered and have been approved access to Release 9 by FaHCSIA, the datasets and other relevant information (i.e. password emails, invoices / receipts) will be received at some stage this week. For those of you collecting your datasets in person (e.g. University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute staff), please wait until you receive the password email from me later today before coming to collect your dataset.

26 October 2010

Release 9 forms available for pre-order

Release 9 of the HILDA data (waves 1 to 9) will become available on 6 December 2010, with Release 9 forms now available for pre-order.

Please note, you will need to complete the forms (both a Deed and an Order Form) for every release of data.

Once you have filled out the appropriate forms, please either fax or email the forms to FaHCSIA for approval:
Fax - +61 (0)2 6206 9545
Email - [email protected]

If you have any queries about the licensing arrangements or if you are a new Data Manager and have not yet received the Release 9 Organisational Licence forms, please email FaHCSIA.

If you would still like to order Release 8, please email the HILDA Administrative Assistant.  

27 September 2010

HILDA Survey “10th Anniversary” Research Conference

The 2011 HILDA Survey Research Conference is being held on Thursday 14 to Friday 15 July 2011, at the University of Melbourne. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for the discussion of research based on the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. Attendance at the conference is open to all, but should be of special interest to both users of the HILDA Survey data and persons with an interest in the outcomes from longitudinal survey research in the broad fields of economic and social policy.

Submissions of papers are now being sought. Contributions towards the travel and accommodation costs of paper presenters will be available. As in past years we will cover the cost of an economy airfare and two night’s accommodation for all Australian-based presenters (but limited to one person per paper). Conference registration fees will also be waived. Part subsidies will also be available for a limited number of overseas-based speakers.

There will be two submission streams: a refereed paper stream and a non-refereed paper stream. Selection of papers for the refereed stream will be on the basis of full papers while selection of papers for the non-refereed stream will be on the basis of abstracts.

Priority will be given to papers that exploit the longitudinal nature of the data. Papers on methods and cross-national comparisons are also welcome.

Submission deadline:
Refereed stream (full papers): Friday 11 March 2011
Non-refereed stream (abstracts only): Friday 8 April 2011

How to submit: Send your abstract or full paper by email

Submission guidelines
Abstracts: Should be in the range of 200 to 400 words and should make clear what the purposes of the proposed paper are, how the HILDA data will be used and which data waves will be drawn on. Authors of selected abstracts will need to submit a complete paper by 6 June 2011.

Full papers: Papers need to be complete and should be in a format similar to that expected for submission to an academic journal.

Presenter details: When making your submission, please include a very short biography briefly summarising your current position, affiliations, and research experience. In the case of multiple-authored papers, this is only needed for the main presenter (to whom the travel subsidy will be paid). Please ensure that your full contact details are included so we can keep you updated regarding your submission.

Registration fees: (inclusive of GST)
Early Bird: $200 (before or by 1 June 2011)
Standard: $260 (after 1 June 2011)
Student Rate: $120 (must register by Early Bird date)

Further information
Further details about the conference will be posted on the HILDA website shortly and will be updated regularly in the lead up to the conference.

Please contact Ms Penny Hope at [email protected] or 03 8344 2151 for any enquiries regarding the conference or submission process.

2 September 2010

Call for all HILDA Publications for 2010 Annual Report

This is a call for HILDA data user publications for the 2010 HILDA Annual Report.

For the Annual Report, publications can include:

For the HILDA website only, publications can include:

If you have a publication that is not currently listed on the HILDA bibliography web pages, please send through the details.

As a requirement for using the HILDA data, you will need to include the appropriate acknowledgement and disclaimer in any publications that cite the HILDA data, as indicated in Section 5f of the Manual for the Access to and Use of FaHCSIA Longitudinal Survey Dataset (page 19).

22 July 2010

Celebrating a Decade of HILDA – Announcing the 2011 HILDA Survey Research Conference

The next HILDA Survey Research Conference will be held at the University of Melbourne on 14th and 15th July, 2011. This roughly coincides with the 10th birthday of the survey; based on the date the contract with the Commonwealth was signed, HILDA will actually turn 10 on the 7th September this year. We will thus be using this conference to reflect on the first decade of HILDA.

I am also pleased to announce that our two keynote speakers will most likely be:

• Heather Laurie, the current Director of the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, and one of the architects of “Understanding Society”, the successor to the British Household Panel Survey.
• Richard Blundell, the Ricardo Professor of Political Economy at University College London, and Research Director for the Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy at the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

An official call for papers will be made later in the year, but as in past years we hope to cover all travel and accommodation costs for paper presenters from within Australia, as well as offer substantial travel subsidies for a select number of overseas-based presenters.

So get these dates into your diaries, and start planning your trip to Melbourne in 2011.

16 June 2010

HILDA Statistical Report Volume 5 now available

The fifth HILDA Statistical Report was released today.

Authored by Roger Wilkins, Diana Warren, Markus Hahn and Brendan Houng, Volume 5 is based on the first seven waves of data collected by the HILDA Survey. The report comprises two parts, the first of which contains short articles that provide an annual update of changes in key aspects of life in Australia, covering the four main areas of HILDA, namely:

The second part of the report contains 11 feature articles on irregular topics, including articles by guest authors Dean Lillard of Cornell University, Alison Goode (now at Flinders University) and Mark Wooden.

Enquiries about the HILDA Statistical Report:
Dr Roger Wilkins
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
Tel: 03 8344 2092
email: [email protected]

Media Enquiries:
Mr Cliff Howard Communications and Publicity Manager
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
The University of Melbourne
Tel: 03 8344 2154
email: [email protected]

11 May 2010

2010 HILDA User Training reminder

Just a friendly reminder about the 2010 HILDA User Training in Sydney and Canberra in June...

Sydney, Tuesday 8th June
Time: 9am to 5pm
Location: School of Economics, University of New South Wales (Australian School of Business Building, ASB216, map reference E12)

Canberra, Wednesday 9th June
Time: 9am to 5pm
Location: Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Tuggeranong Office Park, Soward Way (cnr Athllon Drive), Greenway, Canberra (Auditorium)

Cost for the one-day training session is $45 (including GST). Morning and afternoon tea will be provided.

Spaces are limited to 50 in Sydney and 70 in Canberra, so please register early.

30 April 2010

Postdoctoral Fellow position on ARC Linkage grant

A position for a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Australian National University exists on an ARC Linkage Grant which uses HILDA to investigate time scarcity as a health inequality. Please see the ANU Postdoctoral Fellow position description and selection criteria (PDF 27 KB) for more information. Please note: this role will also be advertised as a Researcher Officer position. Applications for this job close on 17 May 2010.

8 April 2010

2009 HILDA Annual Report

The 2009 HILDA Annual Report is now available.

2010 HILDA Data User Training

Sydney, Tuesday 8th June
Time: 9am to 5pm
Location: School of Economics, University of New South Wales (seminar room to be advised)

Canberra, Wednesday 9th June
Time: 9am to 5pm
Location: Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Tuggeranong Office Park, Soward Way (cnr Athllon Drive), Greenway, Canberra (Auditorium)

Cost for the one-day training session is $45 (including GST). Morning and afternoon tea will be provided.

For more information, regular updates and to register, please visit the HILDA Data User Training website.

New Discussion and Technical Papers

A discussion paper and two technical papers have recently been released.

No. 1/10 - April 2010
Authors: Roger Wilkins and Claire Sun
Assessing the Quality of the Expenditure Data Collected in the Self-Completion Questionnaire

No. 1/10 - January 2010
Author: Claire Sun
HILDA Expenditure Imputation

No. 2/09 - December 2009
Authors: Clinton Hayes and Nicole Watson
HILDA Imputation Methods

11 March 2010

Wave 9 Response Rates

We are pleased to report that preliminary data indicate that our headline response rate for wave 9 (the percentage of respondents from wave 8 that were successfully interviewed in wave 9) is 96.1%. This is the highest annual response rate in the history of the HILDA Survey to date.

Online Data Dictionary

The Online Data Dictionary is now back online. We are still working on improving the efficiency of this application.
If you have any comments or suggestions by email.

Correction to the Derived Variable Coding Frameworks

The Derived Variable Coding Frameworks supplied on the DVD inappropriately excluded the derived History: variables.
A zip of replacement General Release frameworks
for each of the 8 waves is now available for download.

Possible Changes to Future Content

Due to some concerns about the quality of the responses for the question relating to ‘how your pay is currently set’ (C 23 - Wave 9 Continuing Person Questionnaire) we are considering omitting this for wave 10 and beyond. We are also considering the removal of all questions relating to household expenditure on the SCQ (C9 - Wave 9 Self Completion Questionnaire). This mainly reflects concerns about the potential impact these questions might be having on the SCQ response rate. If you have any particular concerns about these proposals, please email your comments to [email protected].

1 February 2010

Release 8 forms now available

Release 8 of the HILDA data (which includes waves 1 to 8) is now available. If you haven't already ordered data and would like to, please visit our Ordering the Data page.

If you are a Data Manager and wish to obtain the Release 8 Organisational Licence forms, please contact FaHCSIA.