Hilda News - 2009


4 December 2009

Release 8 forms available for preorder

Release 8 of the HILDA data (waves 1 to 8) will become available on 2 February 2010 with Release 8 forms now available for preorder.

Once you have filled out the appropriate forms, please either fax or email the forms to FaHCSIA for approval:
Fax - +61 (0)2 6206 9545
Email - [email protected]

If you have any queries about the licensing arrangements or wish to order Release 7, please contact FaHCSIA.

For administrative-related queries about HILDA data applications, please feel free to contact me until next Friday 11 December and Phil Weaver after that as I will be on annual leave from Monday 14 December 2009, returning Wednesday 27 January 2010.

30 October 2009

HILDA Database Support Officer position

Would you like to work for the HILDA team? A position for a HILDA Database Support Officer is currently being advertised on the Melbourne University website and an ad will appear in The Age on Saturday. Please note: applications closed for this job on 27 November 2009.

5 October 2009

Call for all HILDA Publications for 2009 Annual Report

This is a call for HILDA data user publications for the 2009 HILDA Annual Report.

Publications can include:

If you have a publication that is not currently listed on the HILDA bibliography web pages, please send through the details.

As a requirement for using the HILDA data, you will need to include the appropriate acknowledgement and disclaimer in any publications that cite the HILDA data, as indicated in Clause 13.2 of the Deeds of Licence.

27 August 2009

2nd LSAC Research Conference, 3-4 December 2009

On the 3rd and 4th of December 2009, the Australian Institute of Family Studies are holding the 2nd LSAC Research Conference. Researchers and policy makers will have an ideal opportunity to discuss research and policy initiatives that have resulted from the use of data from Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC).

4 June 2009

HILDA Statistical Report Volume 4 now available

The fourth Statistical Report was released today.

Volume 4 is based on the first six waves of data collected by the HILDA Survey and comprises two parts. Part A contains short articles that provide an annual update of changes in key aspects of life in Australia, covering the four main areas of HILDA, namely:

Part B of the Report contains feature articles on a variety of topics, including a number of articles utilising the household wealth data collected in 2006. Also included are articles by guest authors Helen Berry, Jennifer Welsh, Michael Kortt and Andrew Leigh.

We will be posting out hardcopies of the Report in the next couple of weeks. Please let me know if you would like to receive a hardcopy or if an online copy is sufficient.

Enquiries about the HILDA Statistical Report:
Dr Roger Wilkins
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
Tel: 03 8344 2092
email: [email protected]

Media Enquiries:
Mr Cliff Howard Communications and Publicity Manager
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
The University of Melbourne
Tel: 03 8344 2154
email: [email protected]

8 May 2009

HILDA Survey Research Conference, 16 and 17 July 2009

The program* for the 2009 HILDA Survey Research Conference is now on the conference website.

The conference will be held on Thursday 16 and 17 July 2009 in the Architecture Building at The University of Melbourne.

Please remember that registrations received before Monday 1 June 2009 will attract an early bird discount. After this date you will need to pay full price. (Discounts are available for students.)

At the HILDA Survey Research Conference website, you will find information on registration, venue, accommodation bookings and the program. For further enquiries regarding conference registration, please contact 03 8344 2149 or [email protected].

Conference dinner
The Conference Dinner will be held at University House on Thursday 16 July 2009. The dinner is open to all conference attendees for an extra charge of $75.00. Our special guest speaker at the conference dinner is Professor Bob Gregory, Emeritus Professor, Economics Program, Research School of Social Sciences, The Australian National University.

HILDA Data User Training
The HILDA Data User Training will be held from 9.00am-5.00pm on the three days just prior to the conference. Professor Steve Pudney (one of the keynote speakers at the HILDA Conference) will present the majority of the course on panel data analysis techniques. Members of the HILDA team will provide an introduction to the HILDA data and documentation. There will also be a hands-on Stata lab.

Date: 13-15 July 2009
Time: 9.00am-5.00pm
Venue: The University of Melbourne
Cost: $595 incl GST

Please note that places are limited and are secured on a first-come-first-served basis. You may use the conference registration form to register.

Please check the HILDA Data User Training website for more information about venues and sessions.

*Please note that this is a preliminary program and changes may occur prior to the conference.

17 April 2009

GSOEP-CNEF Workshop at Cornell University, September 10-12, 2009

An upcoming German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) and the Cross-National Equivalent Files (CNEF) Workshop at Cornell University later this year may interest some HILDA list subscribers.

3 April 2009

2008 HILDA Annual Report now available

The 2008 HILDA Annual Report is now available (should you not see the 2008 Report on this page, press the Refresh button on your browser).

Note that people who have ordered HILDA Release 7 and some HILDA list subscribers will receive a hardcopy of the HILDA Annual Report in the next week or so. Should you wish to opt out of receiving hard copies of any future HILDA publications and instead read the publications online, please let me know.

30 March 2009

HILDA Survey Conference 2009 (closing date for submission of abstracts)

This is a final reminder to all persons intending submitting a paper for presentation at the HILDA Survey Research Conference, being held at the University of Melbourne on July 16th and 17th, that the closing date for abstracts is this Friday, April 3.

Late submissions will not be considered.

13 March 2009

Wave 8 response rates

We are pleased to report that preliminary data indicate that our headline response rate for wave 8 (the percentage of respondents from wave 7 that are successfully interviewed in wave 8) is 95.2%. This is the highest annual response rate in the history of the HILDA Survey to date.

Wave 9

The Dress Rehearsal for Wave 9 has commenced with copies of the paper versions of the Wave 9 Dress Rehearsal questionnaires now available for download.

Data users, however, should be aware that interviews in wave 9 are being administered by computer (CAPI).

July training course

Places on the 3-day 2009 HILDA Survey training course (for Stata users), which is being conducted on 13-15 July (just prior to the research conference) are fast running out. Persons interested in attending should register ASAP if they want to make sure of a place. The cost of the course is $595 (+GST).

New Discussion Papers

Two new discussion papers have recently been released, and are available from the HILDA Survey web site. They are:

Recent journal articles

The number of published papers using HILDA Survey data continues to grow at a pleasing (and impressive) rate. Some recent examples, all published in the first few months of 2009, include:

Booth, A. and Van Ours, J., 'Hours of Work and Gender Identity: Does Part-time Work Make the Family Happier?', Economica, vol. 76, no. 301, pp. 176-196.
Cai, L., 'Be Wealthy to Stay Healthy: An Analysis of Older Australians Using HILDA Survey', The Journal of Sociology, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 55-70.
Cai, L., 'Is Self-reported Disability Status Endogenous to Labour Force Status?', Applied Economics Letters, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 459-464.
Cobb-Clark, D. and Hildebrand, V., 'The Asset Portfolios of Native-born and Foreign-born Households', The Economic Record, vol. 85, no. 268, pp. 46-59.
Dockery, A.M., Li, J. and Kendall, G., 'Parents' Work Patterns and Adolescent Mental Health', Social Science and Medicine, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 689-698.
Doiron, D. and Guttmann, R., 'Wealth Distributions of Migrant and Australian-born Households', The Economic Record, vol. 85, no. 268, pp. 32-45.
McGuinness, S. and Wooden, M., 'Overskilling, Job Insecurity and Career Mobility: Evidence from Australia', Industrial Relations, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 265-286.
Marks, G., 'Social Consequences of the Australian Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)', Higher Education, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 71-84.
Mavromaras, K., McGuinness S. and Fok, Y.K, 'Assessing the Incidence and Wage Effects of Overskilling in the Australian Labour Market', The Economic Record, vol. 85, no. 268, pp. 60-72.
Shields, M., Wheatley Price, S. and Wooden, M., 'Life Satisfaction and the Economic and Social Characteristics of Neighbourhoods', Journal of Population Economics, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 421-443.
Wooden, M., Warren, D., and Drago, R., 'Working Time Mismatch and Subjective Well-being', British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 147-179.
The full listing of publications can be found in the HILDA Bibliography.

Users are again reminded to send details of any of their publications or papers that use the HILDA Survey data to: [email protected].

10 March 2009

HILDA Conference Submission Dates

This is just a message to remind you all that the date for submission of full papers to the refereed stream of the 2009 HILDA Survey Research Conference has now closed, and we are no longer accepting submissions.

Users who still wish to present a paper at the Conference can, of course, submit an abstract for consideration for inclusion in the unrefereed stream. Abstracts are not due until April 3, with the full paper needed by June 6.

For your information we have had an overwhelming response to the call for full papers, and if the response to the call for abstracts is even remotely similar, then I can promise a very interesting, if not exciting, program.

24 February 2009

Registrations are now open for the HILDA Survey Research Conference and the HILDA User Training

The 2009 HILDA Survey Research Conference is being held on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 July 2009, at the University of Melbourne. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for the discussion of research based on the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey.

HILDA User Training Course

The 2009 HILDA Data User Training will be held from 9.00am - 5.00pm on the three days just prior to the conference. Professor Steve Pudney (one of the keynote speakers at the HILDA conference) will present the majority of the course on panel data analysis techniques. Members of the HILDA team will provide an introduction to the HILDA data and documentation. There will also be a hands-on Stata lab.

Date: Monday 13 - Wednesday 15 July 2009
Time: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Venue: The University of Melbourne
Cost: $595 (includes GST)

Morning and afternoon tea will be provided.

The aims of the course are:

The topics covered include: Pre-requisites: Please register early as places are limited and are secured on a first-come-first-served basis. Delegates need to register for and attend all three days. To register, please complete the conference registration form (the HILDA User Training is under Section E) on the HILDA website.

Enquiries regarding the HILDA User Training may be directed to the HILDA Administrative Assistant on 03 8344 2108 or [email protected].

Paper Submission
Submissions of papers are still being sought.

Submission Deadline:

Refereed stream (full papers): Friday 6 March 2009

Non-refereed stream (abstracts only): Friday 3 April 2009

Authors of selected abstracts will need to submit a complete paper by 6 June 2009.

How to submit: Send your abstract or full paper by email to [email protected].

Enquiries about any aspect of the submission process or the Conference organisation should be directed to Penny Hope, phone 03 8344 2151 or [email protected].

9 February 2009

HILDA Survey Conference Submission Deadlines Approaching

All users of HILDA Survey data are reminded that the deadlines for submissions of abstracts / papers for the 4th HILDA Survey Research Conference, being held this July, are fast approaching.

Full papers for the refereed stream are due Friday 6th March (or less than one month away). Abstracts for the non-refereed are not due until Friday 3rd April.

Send abstracts / papers by email to: [email protected].

23 January 2009

Measuring Trade Union Membership in HILDA

A new discussion paper, called "Measuring Trade Union Membership Status in the HILDA Survey" (No. 1/09), is now available from the HILDA Survey website. The paper identifies a problem with the way union membership in the HILDA Survey is measured, and as a result why union membership estimates from the HILDA Survey differ substantially from those reported each year by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This short paper summarises the issue as well as recommends changes in the question sequence that will generate estimates in the future that are comparable to ABS estimates, as well as maintain data continuity over time. The proposed change would take effect in wave 9.

Comments are very welcome and should be directed to Mark Wooden at: [email protected].

22 January 2009

Final Call for all HILDA Publications for 2008 Annual Report

The 2008 HILDA Annual Report is in the process of being finalised, so please send any details of your 2008 HILDA data user publications if they are not already on our website.

Publications can include:

The below types of publications are not included in the Annual Report, but are included on the HILDA website:
As a requirement for using the HILDA data, you will need to include the appropriate acknowledgement and disclaimer in any publications that cite the HILDA data, as indicated in Clause 13.2 of the Deeds of Licence.

20 January 2009

Forms for HILDA Release 7 now available

HILDA Release 7 (waves 1 to 7) will be released on 2 February 2009, with forms available now for pre-ordering the dataset.