Mr Simon Freidin

Survey Research Database Manager & Analyst (HILDA)

Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research

Contact details

Phone: +61 3 8344 2085
Fax: +61 3 8344 2111
Email: [email protected]


Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
Level 5, Faculty of Business and Economics Building, 111 Barry Street, The University of Melbourne


Simon is the HILDA project's Database Manager and has responsibility for:

Design and implementation of the HILDA Survey Information Processing System (programming the automated multi-wave data processing and database production systems);

Programming the income, tax and wealth models;

Programming derived variables;

Programming longitudinal data discrepancy investigations;

Maintaining the data dictionary which is embedded in the datasets and supplied as input to the coding framework database;

Programming the automated frequencies.

Post-cleaning logic and integrity checking, and a wide variety of data and dataset checks;

Integration of the weights and imputation;

Integrating external data such as the ASGC and SEIFA;

Production of the marked-up questionnaires;

Production of the data zips;

Production of the CNEF datasets; and

Automated burning of the HILDA DVDs.

Simon started his career at the Australian Institute of Family Studies in research and computing support, and for a number of years managed longitudinal social research data at the University of Melbourne, notably on the Carer's Program.

He has an Honours degree in Psychology and a post-graduate diploma in Computer Science.