Melbourne Institute Research Publications - 2016
Refereed Journal Articles
Armour P, Burkhauser RV & Larrimore J. 2016. Using the Pareto distribution to improve estimates of topcoded earnings. Economic Inquiry. 54 (2) 1263-1273.
Behaghel L and Moschion J. 2016. T-based Technical Change and Job Instability. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 118 (1): 79-104.
Castelnuovo E. 2016. Monetary Policy Shocks and Cholesky-VARs: An Assessment for the Euro Area. Empirical Economics. 50 (2): 383-414.
Castelnuovo E, Lim G & Robinson T. 2016. Introduction to the Policy Forum: Macroeconomic Consequences of Macroprudential Policies. The Australian Economic Review. 49 (1): 77-82.
Cobb-Clark D, Herault N, Scutella R, & Tseng Y-P. 2016. A journey home: What drives how long people are homeless? Journal of Urban Economics 91: 57–72.
Dixon R & Lim G.C. 2016. Modelling the Dynamics of Regional Employment-Population Ratios and their Commonality. Urban Studies. 53 (2): 338-354.
Feddersen J, Metcalfe R, & Wooden M. 2016. Subjective well-being: why weather matters. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society). 179 (1): 203-228.
Robinson T, Tsiaplias S & Nguyen V.H. 2016. The Australian Economy in 2015–16: Uncertainties and Challenges. The Australian Economic Review. 49 (1): 5-19.
Van de Ven, J & Voitchovsky S. 2016. Skilled migrants and labour market integration: how important is the selection process?. IZA Journal of Migration. 4 (1): 1-28.