The John Freebairn Public Policy Lecture Series

The John Freebairn Lecture in Public Policy is an annual public lecture in Australian economic policy, delivered by a prominent Australian academic. The lecture is organised jointly by the Department of Economics and the Melbourne Institute at the Faculty of Business and Economics.


2015: Economic Policy for the 21st Century by Professor John Quiggin, The University of Queensland, 11 May 2015


2014: Resolving Energy Policy Dilemmas in an Age of Carbon Constraints by Professor Ross Garnaut AO, The University of Melbourne, 20 May 2014


2013: Governing the Ungovernable: The Market, Technology and You by Professor Stephen King, Monash University, 19 September 2013


2012: Tax Reform with a Larger GST by Professor John Freebairn, Department of Economics, The University of Melbourne, 2 October 2012


2011: What have we learned from the Global Financial Crisis? by Professor John Quiggin, Federation Fellow in Economics and Political Science at the University of Queensland, presented 6 May 2011


2010: Designing Realistic Climate Policyby Professor Warwick McKibbin, Professor and Director of the ANU Research School of Economics and Adjunct Professor in the Australian Centre for Economic Research in Health at the Australian National University and Lowy Institute for International Policy, presented 26 August 2010


2009: Ideas, the National Interest and Private Interests in Public Policy: The Case of Climate Change by Professor Ross Garnaut, Vice-Chancellor's Fellow and Professorial Fellow, Melbourne Institute, The University of Melbourne, presented 8 September 2009


2008: Reflections on microeconomic policy frameworks and a suggestion about fairness by Professor Jonathan Pincus, Visiting Professor in Economics, University of Adelaide and Senior Adviser, Concept Economics