Research topic: Dynamics of income support and employment

Labour underutilisation, comprising both unemployment and underemployment, is a key focus of much of the research undertaken within the Labour Economics and Social Policy research program. Issues examined by research projects include the extent, nature, consequences and causes of underutilisation of labour and the effectiveness of government policy interventions aimed at alleviating unemployment.

Researchers at the Melbourne Institute have undertaken a number of studies of welfare reliance and, more particularly, of income support recipients. Issues examined include the extent and nature of reliance on income support payments, the determinants of patterns of receipt and the impacts of government programs on exit from payments.


Projects commenced in 2013

Projects commenced in 2012

Projects commenced in 2011

There were no projects on this topic in 2011.

Projects commenced in 2010

Projects commenced in 2009

Projects commenced in 2008

Projects commenced in 2007

Projects commenced in 2006

Projects commenced in 2005

Projects commenced in 2004

Projects commenced in 2003

Projects commenced in 2002

Projects commenced in 2001