The Melbourne Institute Analysis of the Australian Labor Party's Tax and Family Benefit Package

The Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator (MITTS) is used to analyse the Australian Labor Party's Tax and Family Benefits Package. We predict the expected labour supply effects, resulting from policy changes in taxes or transfer payments, and then calculate the effect of these labour supply changes on the budgetary cost of a proposed policy.

Funded by : The Australian Labor Party

Project leader : Professor Peter Dawkins

Researchers : Dr Hielke Buddelmeyer, Professor Alan Duncan, Dr Guyonne Kalb and Ms Rosanna Scutella

This project was started in June 2004 and completed in September 2004.

This project has been completed. The results of this project appeared in the ALP's Policy Document "Labor's Tax and Better Family Payment Plan; Rewarding Hard Work" in September 2004.

The Melbourne Institute Analysis of the Australian Labor Party's Tax and Family Benefit Package (pdf 740 Kb)