Job Retention and Advancement of Disadvantaged Job-Seeker (ARC Linkage project)

This was an ARC Linkage Project conducted in collaboration with the Brotherhood of St Laurence. Funding for this project ran from 2007 to 2012.

Empirical methods were adopted to determine what is necessary for job retainment and career advancement of disadvantaged jobseekers. Job retainment and advancement are essential to prolonged workforce participation and the development of human capital of disadvantaged jobseekers re-entering the workforce. Understanding and supporting the drivers of workforce participation is identified as a National Research Priority. Therefore, the project findings are of considerable importance to employment policy development in Australia to help ensure that future policy developments improve the human capital of disadvantaged entrants to the labour market and alleviate longer-term poverty and social exclusion.

Please see the following research brief for a summary of the findings of the project Research Brief