UMHEG Current Research
Areas of Research
Melbourne Institute
Health care workforce and health professionals labour markets
Health insurance and health care finance
Performance, incentives and competition in health care
The economics of primary health care and hospital services
Socio-economic determinants of health and well-being
Department of Economics
Centre for Health Policy
Measuring inequality in health and examining equity in access to health care
Economics of chronic disease with a major focus on diabetes
Developing computer simulation models to inform economic evaluation
- Improving the collection of health economic information through surveys and data linkage
- International comparisons of pharmaceutical prices
The determinants of substance use
- The impact of substance use on human capital accumulation and wellbeing (education, mental health, physical health)
- The determinants of health and health behaviours of children and youth
- The impact of education on health and health behaviours
Market / policy design
- Pharmaceutical markets
Nossal Institute for Global Health
Health systems strengthening and health financing
- Institutional development for universal health coverage in developing countries
- Equity and health in lower-income countries
- Health planning and financing strategies in the Mekong and South East Asia region
Current Grants, Projects and Awards
Starting in 2014
Determining the cost-effectiveness of screening for, and treatment of, Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Australia
Funding Source: The University of Melbourne
Scheme: Early Career Researcher Grant
Chief Investigator: Dr. Zanfina Ademi, Royal Melbourne Hospital
Developing a Framework and methdology for cross-national research on governance of large health system reforms in the Asia pacific
Funding Source: The University of Melbourne
Scheme: MSGO DVC grant
Chief Investigator: Dr. Peter Annear, Nossal Institute for Global Health
Health Economics of the Diabetes Care Project
Funding Source: Mckinsey & co
Scheme: Research Contracts Award
Chief Investigator:Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics
Starting in 2013
Assessment of Household Benefits and National Implementation Costs of Health Equity Funds for the Poor (Cambodia)
Funding Source: AUSAIDScheme: Australian Development Research Awards
Chief Investigator: Dr. Peter Annear, Nossal Institute for Global Health
Attrition, Attrition Bias and Refreshment Samples: A Case Study from a Longitudinal Survey of Doctors.
Funding Source: The University of MelbourneScheme: Faculty Research Grant
Chief Investigator: Dr. Terence Cheng, Melbourne Institute
Macro and Micro Level Subjective Expectations Information and Economic Behaviour
Funding Source: Australian Research CouncilScheme: Discovery Projects
Chief Investigator: Prof. John P. Haisken-DeNew, Melbourne Institute
Mathematical Modelling and Research of Personal Protective Equipment for use in a Health Emergency
Funding Source: Australian Government Department of Health and AgeingChief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics
The Effect of Parental Leave on Labour Force Participation and Child Health
Funding Source: University of MelbourneScheme: Group of Eight & DAAD Australian-German Research Cooperation Scheme
Chief Investigators: Prof. Guyonne Kalb & Dr. Barbara Hanel, Melbourne Institute
Starting in 2012
Building an Evidence Base for Funding Evidence-Based Medicine
Funding Source: National Health and Medical Research CouncilScheme: Project Grants
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics
Centre for Research Excellence in Medical Workforce Dynamics
Funding Source: National Health and Medical Research CouncilScheme: Centres of Research Excellence
Chief Investigator: Prof. Anthony Scott & Prof. Guyonne Kalb, Melbourne Institute
Development and Validation of a Health Policy Simulation Model for Type 1 Diabetes.
Funding Source: National Health and Medical Research CouncilScheme: Project Grants
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics
Economic Evaluation of Strategies for the Management of Diabetes
Funding Source: National Health and Medical Research CouncilScheme: Career Development Fellowships
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics
Equity and Financial Protection from Catastrophic Expenditure Due to Caesarean Delivery: Measurement and Policy Issues
Funding Source: University of MelbourneScheme: Dyason Fellowship
Chief Investigator: Dr. Shakil Ahmed, Nossal Institute for Global Health
The Dynamics of Depression from Adolescence to Early Adulthood
Funding Source: The University of MelbourneScheme: Early Career Research Grant
Chief Investigator: Dr. Jinhu Li, Melbourne Institute
Using Health Economics to Strengthen Ties Between Evidence Policy and Practice in Chronic Disease.
Funding Source: National Health and Medical Research CouncilScheme: Capacity Building Grants in Population Health Research
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics
Starting in 2011
An Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Education on Health in Developing Countries
Funding Source: Australian Research CouncilScheme: Discovery Projects
Chief Investigator: Prof. Jenny Williams, Prof. Jan van Ours, Dr. Liana Jacobi & Dr. Mabel Andalon, Department of Economics.
Department of Health and Aging Panel of Providers of Health Economics Services
Funding Source: Department of Health and AgeingChief Investigator: Prof. Anthony Scott, Melbourne Institute
Non-Cognitive Skills and Human Capital Investments: The Importance of Individuals' Sense of Control
Funding Source: Australian Research CouncilScheme: Discovery Projects
Chief Investigator: Prof. Deborah Cobb-Clark, Melbourne Institute
Reducing Disparities in Diabetes through Expanded Insureance Coverage
Funding Source: National Institute of HealthScheme: Research Project Grants
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics
The Effect of Competition and Doctor Heterogeneity on Prices Charged by Doctors
Funding Source: Australian Research CouncilScheme: Discovery Projects
Chief Investigator: Prof. Anthony Scott, A/Prof. Jongsay Yong & Prof. Hugh Gravelle (Honorary), Melbourne Institute