UMHEG Current Research

Areas of Research

Melbourne Institute

  • Health care workforce and health professionals labour markets

  • Health insurance and health care finance

  • Performance, incentives and competition in health care

  • The economics of primary health care and hospital services

  • Socio-economic determinants of health and well-being

Department of Economics

Centre for Health Policy

  • Measuring inequality in health and examining equity in access to health care

  • Economics of chronic disease with a major focus on diabetes

  • Developing computer simulation models to inform economic evaluation

  • Improving the collection of health economic information through surveys and data linkage
  • International comparisons of pharmaceutical prices

  • The determinants of substance use

  • The impact of substance use on human capital accumulation and wellbeing (education, mental health, physical health)
  • The determinants of health and health behaviours of children and youth
  • The impact of education on health and health behaviours
  • Market / policy design

  • Pharmaceutical markets

Nossal Institute for Global Health

  • Health systems strengthening and health financing

  • Institutional development for universal health coverage in developing countries
  • Equity and health in lower-income countries
  • Health planning and financing strategies in the Mekong and South East Asia region

Current Grants, Projects and Awards

Starting in 2014

Determining the cost-effectiveness of screening for, and treatment of, Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Australia

Funding Source: The University of Melbourne
Scheme: Early Career Researcher Grant
Chief Investigator: Dr. Zanfina Ademi, Royal Melbourne Hospital

Developing a Framework and methdology for cross-national research on governance of large health system reforms in the Asia pacific

Funding Source: The University of Melbourne
Scheme: MSGO DVC grant
Chief Investigator: Dr. Peter Annear, Nossal Institute for Global Health

Health Economics of the Diabetes Care Project

Funding Source: Mckinsey & co
Scheme: Research Contracts Award
Chief Investigator:Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics


Starting in 2013

Assessment of Household Benefits and National Implementation Costs of Health Equity Funds for the Poor (Cambodia)
Funding Source: AUSAID
Scheme: Australian Development Research Awards
Chief Investigator: Dr. Peter Annear, Nossal Institute for Global Health

Attrition, Attrition Bias and Refreshment Samples: A Case Study from a Longitudinal Survey of Doctors.
Funding Source: The University of Melbourne
Scheme: Faculty Research Grant
Chief Investigator: Dr. Terence Cheng, Melbourne Institute

Macro and Micro Level Subjective Expectations Information and Economic Behaviour
Funding Source: Australian Research Council
Scheme: Discovery Projects
Chief Investigator: Prof. John P. Haisken-DeNew, Melbourne Institute

Mathematical Modelling and Research of Personal Protective Equipment for use in a Health Emergency
Funding Source: Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics

The Effect of Parental Leave on Labour Force Participation and Child Health
Funding Source: University of Melbourne
Scheme: Group of Eight & DAAD Australian-German Research Cooperation Scheme
Chief Investigators: Prof. Guyonne Kalb & Dr. Barbara Hanel, Melbourne Institute

Starting in 2012

Building an Evidence Base for Funding Evidence-Based Medicine
Funding Source: National Health and Medical Research Council
Scheme: Project Grants
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics

Centre for Research Excellence in Medical Workforce Dynamics
Funding Source: National Health and Medical Research Council
Scheme: Centres of Research Excellence
Chief Investigator: Prof. Anthony Scott & Prof. Guyonne Kalb, Melbourne Institute

Development and Validation of a Health Policy Simulation Model for Type 1 Diabetes.
Funding Source: National Health and Medical Research Council
Scheme: Project Grants
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics

Economic Evaluation of Strategies for the Management of Diabetes
Funding Source: National Health and Medical Research Council
Scheme: Career Development Fellowships
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics

Equity and Financial Protection from Catastrophic Expenditure Due to Caesarean Delivery: Measurement and Policy Issues
Funding Source: University of Melbourne
Scheme: Dyason Fellowship
Chief Investigator: Dr. Shakil Ahmed, Nossal Institute for Global Health

The Dynamics of Depression from Adolescence to Early Adulthood
Funding Source: The University of Melbourne
Scheme: Early Career Research Grant
Chief Investigator: Dr. Jinhu Li, Melbourne Institute

Using Health Economics to Strengthen Ties Between Evidence Policy and Practice in Chronic Disease.
Funding Source: National Health and Medical Research Council
Scheme: Capacity Building Grants in Population Health Research
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics

Starting in 2011

An Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Education on Health in Developing Countries
Funding Source: Australian Research Council
Scheme: Discovery Projects
Chief Investigator: Prof. Jenny Williams, Prof. Jan van Ours, Dr. Liana Jacobi & Dr. Mabel Andalon, Department of Economics.

Department of Health and Aging Panel of Providers of Health Economics Services
Funding Source: Department of Health and Ageing
Chief Investigator: Prof. Anthony Scott, Melbourne Institute

Non-Cognitive Skills and Human Capital Investments: The Importance of Individuals' Sense of Control
Funding Source: Australian Research Council
Scheme: Discovery Projects
Chief Investigator: Prof. Deborah Cobb-Clark, Melbourne Institute

Reducing Disparities in Diabetes through Expanded Insureance Coverage
Funding Source: National Institute of Health
Scheme: Research Project Grants
Chief Investigator: Prof. Philip Clarke, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics

The Effect of Competition and Doctor Heterogeneity on Prices Charged by Doctors
Funding Source: Australian Research Council
Scheme: Discovery Projects
Chief Investigator: Prof. Anthony Scott, A/Prof. Jongsay Yong & Prof. Hugh Gravelle (Honorary), Melbourne Institute