Melbourne Institute
The Household, Income and
Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey

Calculating Hourly Wage Rates

The following is aimed at pointing you in the right direction if you want to calculate hourly wage rates. You would use the following derived variables:

The hourly wage rate can be calculated in SPSS as follows:

The above only calculates the hourly wage rate (across all their jobs) if the respondent:

If you wish to look at those that are full and part time employed separately, use _esdtl detailed labour force status) to define these groups. The cases that did not need to be imputed can be identified using the flag _wscef =0.

If you wish to look at the hourly wage in the respondent’s main job, use _wscmei and _jbmhruc.

Please note that the questions about hours worked and income are asked in separate sections of the person questionnaire. As some respondents report low wages and salaries with high hours and vice versa, it is important that users are aware that there are some odd cases when deriving hourly wage rates. This is, unfortunately, unavoidable.


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