Melbourne Institute
The Household, Income and
Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey


Each wave the SF-36 Health Survey instrument is included within the Self-Completion Questionnaire. The SF-36 Health Survey is an internationally recognised diagnostic tool for assessing functional health status and well-being. It comprises 36 items which provide multi-item scales measuring each of eight distinct health concepts. Following the scoring rules outlined in Ware et al. (2000), each of these eight scales has been transformed into a 0-100 index. The individual scores for each of these indices have been provided as derived variables in the data set. In addition, the SF-6D health state classification has also been derived from the SF-36 (as outlined in Brazier, Roberts and Deverill, 2002).

From wave 6, respondents are asked to record their height and weight in the Self-Completion Questionnaire. This is used to derive their body mass index. Further information on the quality of the height and weight data is provided in Wooden et al (2008).

Kessler-10 was asked for the first time in wave 7 (question B17 in the SCQ). A description of the associated variables is provided in Wooden (2009b).

The derived health variables are listed in Table 4.11.


Table 4.11: Derived health variables
Variable Description
_ghpf, _ghrp, _ghbp, _ghgh, _ghvt, _ghsf, _ghre, _ghmh SF–36 transformed:
  • physical functioning
  • role–physical
  • bodily pain
  • general health
  • vitality
  • social functioning
  • role–emotional
  • mental health
_ghrht SF–36 reported health transitions – raw
_ghsf6d SF–6D Health state Classification
_bmht1 Height in centimetres
_bmwt1 Weight in kilograms
_bmi1 Body Mass Index
_bmigp Body Mass Index group
gpdk10s Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) score
gpdk10rc Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) risk categories
_hcbwk1-102 Birth weight (kg) – child 1-10
_hclbw1-102 Low birth weight - child 1-10 (aged < 15)
_hcgpc1-102 Sees a particular GP or clinic if sick or needs health advice – child 1-10 (aged < 15)
_hcgpn1-102 Number of doctor visits - child 1-10 (aged < 15)
_hchan1-102 Number of hospital admissions - child 1-10 (aged < 15)
_hchnn1-102 Number of nights in hospital - child 1-10 (aged < 15)
_hegpc2 Sees a particular GP or clinic if sick or needs health advice
_hegpn2 Number of doctor visits
_hehan2 Number of hospital admissions
_hehnn2 Number of nights in hospital
_helv102 How likely that you will live to 75 or at least 10 more years
1 From wave 6.
2 Wave 9 only.


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