Melbourne Institute
The Household, Income and
Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey


In every wave, HILDA collects housing expenditures (rent and mortgage repayments) in the Household Questionnaire. The household expenditure on groceries, food and meals eaten outside were collected in the Household Questionnaire for wave 1, 3, 4, and 5. Household expenditure on a wide range of goods and services were first collected in the wave 5 Self-Completion Questionnaire. The list of items collected was expanded to include consumer durables from wave 6.

While the person in the household responsible for the household bills was asked to complete the household-level expenditure questions in the SCQ, sometimes more than one person in a household provided answers. The variables with the prefix _hx average the responses across all individuals who provided a response to these expenditure questions (the responses from dependent students who stated they are not responsible for the household bills are excluded).26


Imputation Method

The expenditure variables were imputed for the first time in Release 8 and were extended to include the imputation of child care costs for Release 9. A summary of the steps in the imputation process is provided below:

Imputation classes were used for some variables to ensure the donors and recipients match on a small number of characteristics (typically equivalised household disposable income bands and the age group of the highest income earner were used).

A full description of the imputation process for the expenditure variables is provided by Sun (2010). Appendix 2 provides an extract from Hayes and Watson (2009) which details the Nearest Neighbour Regression method, the Little and Su method and the Population Carryover method.

Table 4.22 shows the percentage of missing cases that were imputed by each imputation method.28 Ideally all the records should be imputed by a longitudinal imputation method, such as the Little and Su method or the Carryover method. The households which cannot be linked between waves were imputed by the Nearest Neighbour Regression method regardless of their situation. For the housing expenditure variables (rent payment, mortgage repayment and second mortgage repayment), which have been collected in all waves so far, the majority of cases were imputed by the Little and Su method. For the expenditure items collected from wave 6 onwards where we fewer waves of data available, more than half of the cases were imputed by the Nearest Neighbour Regression method.


Table 4.22: Percentage of missing cases imputed by imputation method (expenditure), waves 1 to 9
Imputation Method Wave
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Household and work-related child care expenditure variables (collected in all waves Household Questionnaire)
Nearest Neighbour 45.6 13.6 22.2 22.4 14.4 25.6 16.3 21.8 41.2
Little & Su 46.6 70.9 71.4 73.5 77.5 69.9 75.0 74.6 49.3
Carryover 7.8 15.5 6.5 4.1 8.1 4.5 8.7 3.6 9.6
Non-work-related child care expenditure variables (collected in all waves Household Questionnaire)
Nearest Neighbour 66.7 20.0 44.4 81.8 75.0 66.7 76.2 85.2
Little & Su 19.4 40.0 44.4 18.2 25.0 28.6 14.3 8.2
Carryover 13.9 40.0 11.1 0.0 0.0 4.8 9.5 6.6
Weekly household expenditure variables (collected in wave 1, 3, 4, and 5 Household Questionnaire)
Nearest Neighbour 56.2 27.6 23.3 35.6
Little & Su 42.8 65.0 70.2 56.6
Carryover 1.0 7.4 6.5 7.8
Annualised household expenditure variables (collected in the Self-Completion Questionnaire from wave 5)
Nearest Neighbour 62.3 41.4 38.4 40.0 53.9
Little & Su 27.8 41.7 45.7 43.7 35.8
Carryover 9.9 17.0 15.9 16.3 10.3
Annualised household expenditure variables (collected in the Self-Completion Questionnaire from wave 6)
Nearest Neighbour 69.3 57.0 58.3 66.9
Little & Su 25.2 34.7 33.8 27.4
Carryover 5.5 8.3 7.9 5.6


Imputed Household Expenditure Variables

All expenditure imputation was undertaken at the household level. Both the pre- and post-imputed variables are available in the datasets, along with an imputation flag. Table 4.23 provides an overview of the pre- and post-imputed expenditure variables and the waves in which they are available.


Table 4.23: Imputed household expenditure variables
  Wave Pre–imputed1 Post–imputed flag
Usual payments/repayments per month (Collected in the HQ)
Rent 1 - 9 _hsrnt _hsrni _hsrnfg
First mortgage 1 - 9 _hsmg _hsmgi _hsmgfg
Second mortgage 1 - 9 _hssl _hssli _hsslfg
Weekly household expenditure (Collected in the HQ)
All groceries 1, 3 - 5 _xpgroc _xpgroci _xpgrocf
Groceries for food and drink 1, 3 - 5 _xpfood _xpfoodi _xpfoodf
Meals eaten outside 1, 3 - 5 _xposml _xposmli _xposmlf
Annualized household expenditure (Collected in the SCQ1)
Groceries 5 - 9 _hxygroc _hxygrci _hxygrcf
Alcohol 5 - 9 _hxyalc _hxyalci _hxyalcf
Cigarettes and tobacco 5 - 9 _hxycig _hxycigi _hxycigf
Public transport and taxis 5 - 9 _hxypubt _hxypbti _hxypbtf
Meals eaten out 5 - 9 _hxymeal _hxymli _hxymlf
Leisure activities 5 _hxyhsge _hxyhsgi _hxyhsgf
Motor vehicle fuel 5 - 9 _hxymvf _hxymvfi _hxymvff
Men’s clothing and footwear 6 - 9 _hxymcf _hxymcfi _hxymcff
Women’s clothing and footwear 6 - 9 _hxywcf _hxywcfi _hxywcff
Children’s clothing and footwear 6 - 9 _hxyccf _hxyccfi _hxyccff
Clothing and footwear 5 _hxyclth _hxyclti _hxycltf
Telephone rent and calls 5 _hxytel _hxytli _hxytlf
Telephone rent and calls, internet charges 6 - 9 _hxyteli _hxytlii _hxytlif
Holidays and holiday travel costs 5 - 9 _hxyhol _hxyholi _hxyholf
Private health insurance 5 - 9 _hxyphi _hxyphii _hxyphif
Other insurances 6 - 9 _hxyoi _hxyoii _hxyoif
Fees paid to health practitioners 6 - 9 _hxyhltp _hxyhlpi _hxyhlpf
Medicines, prescriptions and pharmaceuticals 6 - 9 _hxyphrm _hxyphmi _hxyphmf
Health care 5 _hxyhlth _hxyhthi _hxyhthf
Electricity bills 5 _hxyelec _hxyelei _hxyelef
Gas bills 5 _hxygas _hxygasi _hxygasf
Other heating fuel 5 _hxyohf _hxyohfi _hxyohff
Electricity, gas bills and other heating fuel 6 - 9 _hxyutil _hxyutli _hxyutlf
Repairs, renovation and maintenance to home 5 - 9 _hxyhmrn _hxyhmri _hxyhmrf
Motor vehicle repairs and maintenance 5 - 9 _hxymvr _hxymvri _hxymvrf
Education fees 5 - 9 _hxyeduc _hxyedci _hxyedcf
Buying brand new vehicles 6 - 9 _hxyncar _hxyncri _hxyncrf
Buying used vehicles 6 - 9 _hxyucar _hxyucri _hxyucrf
Computers and related services 6 - 9 _hxycomp _hxycmpi _hxycmpf
Audio visual equipment 6 - 9 _hxytvav _hxytvi _hxytvf
Household appliance 6 - 9 _hxywg _hxywgi _hxywgf
Furniture 6 - 9 _hxyfurn _hxyfrni _hxyfrnf
1 The household-level responses provided by each person in the household responsible for household expenditure are provided in equivalent variables to the pre-imputed household expenditure variables from the SCQ (_hx is replaced by _xp to give variables _xpgroc to _xpyfurn). Most users will use the _hx variables. Back to where you were



26 For each of the _hx pre-imputed variables listed in Table 4.23, corresponding _px variables are provided, which are the derived annualised response for each person who provided a response to these questions. Most users will use the _hx variables. Back to where you were
27 _hxylink is an indicator variable for whether a household was linked to another household in the next wave for the purposes of imputing expenditure. Back to where you were
28 For the proportion of cases which are missing, see Table 6.8. Back to where you were


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