Changes to the data made between Release 5.0 (Jan 2007) and Release 5.1 (Mar 2007)
Changes to Wave 5 files between Releases 5.0 (Jan2007) and 5.1 (March 2007)
Cross wave Subset of history variables
- Calendar calculations were incorrectly overlapping by one time period (0.03 year) which affected time since leaving school (_ehtse, 103 cases)/ time since leaving school in paid work (_ehtjb, 68 cases)/ time since leaving school unemployed and looking for work (_ehtuj, 17 cases)/ time since leaving school not working and not looking for work (_ehto, 19 cases).
- Time in current marital status variables were incorrectly set to -4 when there was an intervening period of defacto which ended and the respondent reverted to their prior marital status. Affected a handful of cases for time in current marriage (_mrcdur)/time widowed (_mrwdur)/time currently separated or divorced (_mrsdur). These are now calculated each wave after bringing forward the marriages grid, rather than attempting to update the derived variables from previous waves.
Corrections in calculations
- efmagelh 'History: Age left home' Check for presence of parents in current wave incorrect. After correction, 135 cases set to an age; 56 cases with an age reset to still at home.
- efmnsib . 'History: How many siblings' 1 case corrected number of siblings from 6 to 7
- efmfocc2 and efmmocc2. 'History: 2-digit mothers and father occupation' (4 digit version not affected). 165 efmfocc2 and 129 efmmocc2 missing cases set to a 2-digit occupation code. Data not brought forward correctly from earlier waves when no wave 4 information.
- ertage 'History: Age retired/intends to retire' 55 missing cases reset to age. Data not brought forward correctly from earlier waves when no wave 4 information.
- eehtse 'History: Time since FT education - years' 97 corrections
- eehtjb 'History: Time in paid work - years' 80 corrections
- eehtuj 'History: Time unemployed and looking for work - years' 11 corrections
- eehto 'History: Time not working and not looking for work - years' 31 corrections Data not brought forward correctly from earlier waves when no wave 4 information.
- emrplvt 'History: Years living together before present or most recent marriage' 39 corrections
- emr1lvt 'History: Years living together before first marriage'. 6 corrections
- emrcdur 'History: Current marriage duration - years' 3 corrections
- emrsdur 'History: Current separated or divorced from date of separation - years' 3 corrections. Data not brought forward correctly from earlier waves when no wave 4 information.
- A number of other history variables had 1 or 2 cases change (but no more) when the data was brought forward correctly (eanatsi, efmlwop, efmpdiv, efmhsib, efmnsib, efmeldst, efmfcob, efmmcob, efmfemp, efmfocc2, efmfuemp, efmmemp, efmmocc2, eedagels, eedhists, eedtypes, eedcly, emrcdur, emrsdur, ehsyrcad, efmfoccs, efmmoccs, efmfi82, efmmi82).
- ehgagef, ehgagf1 to ehgagf14. Flag for imputed age or date of birth contained no data.
- dobf 'Date of birth flag' (in in-confidence master file)
- Corrected calculation of DV's for HQ14 & HQ16 non-employment related childcare as calculations had only been made if child received any employment-related and any nonemployment related childcare. (ecnsu_bs, ecnsu_gu, ecnsu_ge, ecnsu_au, ecnsu_ae, ecnsu_fo, ecnsu_ft, ecnsu_ps, ecnsu_fd, ecnsu_pd, ecnsu_fc, ecnsu_o1, ecnsu_o2, ecnsu_na, ecnsu_np, ecnsh_bs, ecnsh_gu, ecnsh_ge, ecnsh_au, ecnsh_ae, ecnsh_fo, ecnsh_ft, ecnsh_ps, ecnsh_fd, ecnsh_pd, ecnsh_fc, ecnsh_o1, ecnsh_o2, ecnpu_bs, ecnpu_gu, ecnpu_ge, ecnpu_au, ecnpu_ae, ecnpu_fo, ecnpu_ft, ecnpu_ps, ecnpu_fd, ecnpu_pd, ecnpu_kp, ecnpu_o1, ecnpu_o2, ecnpu_na, ecnpu_np, ecnph_bs, ecnph_gu, ecnph_ge, ecnph_au, ecnph_ae, ecnph_fo, ecnph_ft, ecnph_ps, ecnph_fd, ecnph_pd, ecnph_kp, ecnph_o1, ecnph_o2). (The majority of corrections were from -1 not asked to 0 not used)
- Total non-employment related childcare costs for school aged children and not yet at school children
- 2 additional households calculated as late SCQs data entered. SCQ derived variables now calculated for these 2 cases (SF36 scales; personality scales, Braziers SF6D; Time use: combining hours and minutes variables, household expenditure.)
- Supplementary data for 8460103 collected at wave 6 entered for new entrant variables at wave 5
Deleted variables
- Uses data in HQ14 and HQ16 for up to 6 children (general release files)
- Hours data in HQ14 and HQ16 for up to 6 children (general release files)
Documentation corrections
- HQ 14 & HQ16 Non-employment childcare; Costs and derived variables relating to used and hours renamed from ensc to ecnsc; and enpc to ecnpc to conform to prior waves
- 2 digit occupation and industry (ASCO, ISIC and ISCO) were labelled main job. Labels changed to current main job
- ahhrepgp 'DV: Replicate group' now labeled (master file).
Changes made to Wave 4 files between Releases 5.0 (Jan 2007) and 5.1 (March 2007)
Corrections in calculations
- dfmfocc2 'History: 2-digit father occupation' (4 digit version is not affected as it is not a DV). 21 missing cases set to an occupation
- dfmmocc2 'History: 2-digit mothers occupation' 13 missing cases set to an occupation
- drtage History: Age retired/intends to retire. 98 missing cases reset to age.
- dmrplvt 'History: Years living together before present or most recent marriage'. 102 missing cases set to a value.
- dmr1lvt 'History: Years living together before first marriage'. 15 missing cases set to a value.
- dmr2lvt 'History: Years living together before second marriage'. 7 missing cases set to a value.
- dmrsdur 'History: Current separated or divorced from date of separation - years'.1 case set to 0.
- dhgagef , dhgagf1 to dhgagf14. Flag for imputed age or date of birth contained no data
New variables
- Total non-employment related childcare costs for school aged children and not yet at school children.
Documentation corrections
- _jbmwpsz Corrected question number from C29 to C31 in variable label
- 2 digit occupation and industry (asco isic and isco) were labelled main job. Labels changed to current main job
- Relabelled dcnsu_np and dcnpu_np from 'not applicable' to 'none'
Changes made to Wave 3 files between Releases 5.0 (Jan 2007) and 5.1 (March 2007)
Corrections in calculations
- chgagef, chgagf1 to chgagf14. Flag for imputed age or date of birth contained no data
New variables
- Total non-employment related childcare costs for school aged children and not yet at school children
Documentation corrections
- cjbmwpsz Corrected qn no from C29 to C31 in variable label
- 2 digit occupation and industry (ASCO, ISIC and ISCO) were labelled main job. Labels changed to current main job
- Changes made to Wave 2 files between Releases 5.0 (Jan 2007) and 5.1 (March 2007)
New variables
- Total non-employment related childcare costs for school aged children and not yet at school children
Documentation corrections
- 2 digit occupation and industry (ASCO, ISIC and ISCO) were labelled main job. Labels changed to current main job
- Changes made to Wave 1 files between Releases 5.0 (Jan 2007) and 5.1 (March 2007)
Documentation corrections
- 2 digit occupation and industry (ASCO, ISIC and ISCO) were labelled main job. Labels changed to current main job