Changes to the data made between Release 4.0 (Jan 2006) and Release 4.1 (Aug 2006)
Changes to Wave 4 files made between Releases 4.0 (Jan 2006) and 4.1 (Jan 2006)
- For all country variables: Scotland/Wales/N Ireland recoded into United Kingdom
- dchctc 'DV: Childcare total cost ($) for all school age children during school holidays, across all types of care. While parents work'. 2 households set from 0 to don't know (-3)
- dcpctc 'DV: Childcare total cost ($) for all preschool children across all types of care. While parents work' 43 refusals set to 0, 3 other cases set to don't know (-3).
- dhhstate State corrected for 2 households
- dhiwscef: 15 corrections. dhicaupf 1 correction
Corrections in calculations
- SLA brought forward correctly when household hadnt move between waves 2 & 3 but had moved between waves 3 & 4. SLA is a key matching variable for geographic assignment and for the matching of census data (ARIA, SEIFA) to the HILDA datasets, so the incorrect assignment had a flow-on effect for the ASGC variables, remoteness area, seifa deciles and the cross-section weights.
- dhhmsr Major Statistical region: 129 household corrections
- dhhra Remoteness area: 498 household corrections
- dhhda10 Seifa decile: 448 household corrections
- dhhad10 Seifa decile: 443 household corrections
- dhhec10 Seifa decile: 429 household corrections
- dhhed10 Seifa decile: 425 household corrections
- Double counting of maternity allowance in Australian public transfers and gross income for 164 responding males.The maternity allowance amounts on the person and household files was correct, it was only the sum in dbnfapti & dhifaupi which was incorrect.
- dhhivws ('DV: Number of completed interviews in household') was incorrectly calculated
New variables
- dhhpxid, dhhmxid, dhhfxid. Cross wave version of partner, mother and father ids. Provided to simplify the process of appending related person's information
Renamed variables
- dckaf99 'AA7 Did respondent arrive in Australia after 1999' renamed to danaf99 for conformity with section designation forancestry.
dujltyp -> dujljtyp
Deleted variables
- dhhmvrgd, dhgdeci, dhgdecf (HF), dhhadd (HQ). These fieldwork variables which will no longer be provided
Master file
- ahhmsr "Wave 1 Major Statistical Region" and ahhraid "DV: randomised area identifier" were corrected for those who were out-of-scope for the survey at waves 2 through 4
- The variable yrleft (year left the study) was recalculated for 378 cases. For 358 cases had been set to -2 (not applicable) rather than the year; for 20 cases had been set to a year rather than -2.
- dfstatus 10 wave 4 children in non-responding households were reassigned from child (code 3) to child who has moved overseas (code 28). This has the effect of moving them from in-scope to out-of-scope
Documentation corrections
- Corrected dreligb (Religion - broad) which had an unlabelled code '9999'
- dujljoc2, dujljin2, dujljii2 2-digit occupation and industry which were asked of those not currently working were incorrectly labelled 'Unemployed' and the population in the coding framework was described as unemployed. They should have been labelled and populated as 'not currently in paid work'. The 4-digit (unconfidentialised) versions were labelled correctly.
- Self completion questionnaire
- Three late SCQs add to Rperson dataset (xwaveids 0400480, 0102386, 0102387)
Changes made to Wave 3 files between Releases 4.0 (Jan 2006) and 4.1 (Aug 2006)
- For all country variables: Scotland/Wales/N Ireland recoded into United Kingdom
Corrections in calculations
- chhivws ('DV: Number of completed interviews in household') was recalculated
New variables
- chhpxid, chhmxid, chhfxid. Cross wave version of partner, mother and father ids. Provided to simplify the process of appending related person's information
Renamed variables
- cujltyp -> cujljtyp
Deleted variables
- chhmvrgd, chhadoi, chhadof (HF), chhadd (HQ). These are fieldwork variables which will no longer be provided
Documentation corrections
- cujljoc2, cujljin2, cujljii2 2-digit occupation and industry which were asked of those not currently working were incorrectly labelled 'Unemployed' and the population in the coding framework was described as unemployed. They should have been labelled and populated as 'not currently in paid work'. The 4-digit (unconfidentialised) versions were labelled correctly.
Changes made to Wave 2 files between Releases 4.0 (Jan 2006) and 4.1 (Aug 2006)
- For all country variables: Scotland/Wales/N Ireland recoded into United Kingdom
Corrections in calculations
- bhhivws ('DV: Number of completed interviews in household') was recalculated
- boifnpt 'DV: Financial year other income, non-resident parent transfers ($)' topcode threshold set at $100,000
- boifpnta 'G33b Financial year, Parents ($) topcode threshold set at $100,000
- boifrpt 'DV: Financial year other income, resident parent transfers ($)' topcode threshold set at $100,000
New variables
- bhhpxid, bhhmxid, bhhfxid. Cross wave version of partner, mother and father ids. Provided to simplify the process of appending related person's information
Renamed variables
- bujltyp -> bujljtyp
Documentation corrections
- bujljoc2, bujljin2, bujljii2 2-digit occupation and industry which were asked of those not currently working were incorrectly labelled 'Unemployed' and the population in the coding framework was described as unemployed. They should have been labelled and populated as 'not currently in paid work'. The 4-digit (unconfidentialised) versions were labelled correctly.
Changes made to Wave 1 files between Releases 4.0 (Jan 2006) and 4.1 (Aug 2006)
- All country variables: Scotland/Wales/N Ireland recoded into United Kingdom (all waves)
- Errors in HF relationship grid. Siblings recorded as other specify or unrelated for 2 wave 1 cases. Corrected to sibling for households ahhrhid '000162' and '012002'
Corrections in calculations
- All country variables: Scotland/Wales/N Ireland recoded into United Kingdom
- aoifnpt 'DV: Financial year other income, non-resident parent transfers ($)' topcode threshold set at $100,000
- aoifpnta 'G33b Financial year, Parents ($) topcode threshold set at $100,000
- aoifrpt 'DV: Financial year other income, resident parent transfers ($)' topcode threshold set at $100,000
New variables
- ahhpxid, ahhmxid, ahhfxid. Cross wave version of partner, mother and father ids. Provided to simplify the process of appending related person's information
Renamed variables
- aujoccs (DV: ANU4 occupational status scale, last job, not currently in paid work) renamed to aujljocs for consistency with later waves
Documentation corrections
- aujljoc2, aujljin2, aujljii2 2-digit occupation and industry which were asked of those not currently working were incorrectly labelled 'Unemployed' and the population in the coding framework was described as unemployed. They should have been labelled and populated as 'not currently in paid work'. The 4-digit (unconfidentialised) versions were labelled correctly.