Changes to the data made between Release 4.1 (Aug 2006) and Release 5.0 (Jan 2007)
Changes made to wave 4 files between releases 4.1 (Aug 2006) and 5.0 (Jan 2007)
- Cleaned 25 relationships in 15 households.
Corrections in calculations
- FTB-A if receiving child support. Program corrected so reduction only applied if child support exceeds maintenance-free threshold.
- Mother and father ids (HF person number and cross wave identifiers: dhhmid dhhfid dhhmxid dhhfxid) are now calculated for all parent-child relationships in household. Previously only supplied for individuals classified as < 15, dependent or non-dependent children (dhhrih=8,9,10).
- dedhigh Highest level of education: 79 corrections for achieved year 10 and have cert II to cert II; 7 corrections for currently in year 12 or 11 and have cert II to cert II.
- dehto 'History: Time not working and not looking for work - years' - incorrectly had values of years unemployed.
- Current wages and salaries: dwsce corrected by $15 for 20 cases where net annual income was given for main job and (40228 < net income <= 46318). Grossing up parameter was not updated from previous financial year, though it had been updated correctly for the financial year wages and salaries and other jobs wages and salaries.
- dedagels. History: Age left school. If respondent incorrectly recalled that they were in school at previous interview and skipped date left school, set to last recorded age at school.
New variables
- dhgagef Imputed imputed ages for missing cases (and imputed dates of birth in the unconfidentialised (In-Confidence) files). Only imputed variables are supplied along with a flag to identify whether a case has been imputed.
- dghsf6d Braziers SF-6D Health state classification.
- dhhsos ABS section of state.
- djhlhruw 'History: Hours a week usually worked in last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhljcnt 'History: Contract of employment, last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhlji82 'History: ISCO-88 2-digit: Last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhljii2 'History: ISIC 3.1 Last job (not currently in paid work) International industry classification 2-digit'.
- djhljoc2 'History: Occupation last job (not currently in paid work) 2-digit ASCO'.
- djhljocs 'History: ANU4 occupational status scale: Last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhljrea 'History: Main reason stopped working (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhljtha 'History: Employment length - answered weeks or years, last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhljtwk 'History: Weeks worked for last employer (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhljtyp 'History: Employment status, last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhljtyr 'History: Years worked for last employer (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhtsjha 'History: How long since last worked for pay answered weeks or years (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhwku 'History: How long since last worked for pay - less than 1 year - weeks (not currently in paid work)'.
- djhyru 'History: How long since last worked for pay - years (not currently in paid work)'.
- doiint, doidiv, doiroy, doidvry, doirntp, doirntn. Dividends, royalties, interest and rent. Nil amounts are included. These variables are calculated as inputs into the imputation process and are now provided in the files.
- doiflss, doiflssa, doiflsw, doiflswa. Lump sum workers compensation and lump sum superannuation. At F32 (any other source of financial year income), lump sum payments are now provided in their own variables, and counted in windfall income. They are no longer counted in regular financial year income.
- dtcr, dtcnr. Number of own resident and non-resident children. General release file. Due to an inconsistency in the allocation of children into G1b & G1d; and into G1c & G1e (all waves), the components are no longer supplied on the general release file. Instead sums are provided in these new DVs. Note that the number of children in the resident children grid (at G15) can exceed dtcr, as the number of grandchildren, stepchildren and foster children without a responsible parent in the household (G13) are also listed in the resident children grid.
Deleted variables
- dtchere, dtcnpd, dtcpdwl, dtcptnpd (see note for new variables dtcr and dtcnr).
Documentation corrections
- Added value labels for HQ Q5a to Q5l Difficulties with childcare dccdifgq to dccdifsn -3 'Dont know/not applicable'.
- Added 9999 labels for other industry codes to match djbmind dpjoind dpjotind .
- Added value labels dujljind 9999 'Not enough information'. To match later waves.
- w4 confidentialised marked up person questionnaires non-resident child grid G3 showed dncmth1-dncmth13 & dncyr1-dncyr13; but these variables are not supplied on the confidentialised file.
Change made to master file
- hhsm Sample membership has been updated.
Changes made to Wave 3 files between Releases 4.1 (Aug 2006) and 5.0 (Jan 2007)
- Cleaned 6 relationships in 5 households.
Corrections in calculations
- Reduction in FTB-A if receiving child support. Code corrected so reduction only applied if child support exceeds maintenance-free threshold.
- Mother and Father ids (HF person number and cross wave identifiers: chhmid chhfid chhmxid chhfxid) are now calculated for all parent-child relationships in household. Previously only supplied for individuals classified as aged < 15, and dependent or non-dependent children (chhrih=8,9,10).
- cedhigh Highest level of education: 74 corrections for achieved year 10 and have cert II to cert II; 7 corrections for currently in year 12 or 11 and have cert II to cert II.
- cehtse 'History: Time since FT education - years' was zero for all 833 new entrants. Now has 547 valids, 285 not asked and 1 missing.
- cedagels. History: Age left school. If respondent incorrectly recalled that they were in school at previous interview and skipped date left school, set to last recorded age at school.
New variables
- chgagef Imputed imputed ages for missing cases (and imputed dates of birth in the unconfidentialised (In-Confidence) files). Only imputed variables are supplied along with a flag to identify whether a case has been imputed.
- cghsf6d Braziers SF-6D Health state classification.
- chhsos ABS section of state.
- cjhlhruw 'History: Hours a week usually worked in last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhljcnt 'History: Contract of employment, last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhlji82 'History: ISCO-88 2-digit: Last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhljii2 'History: ISIC 3.1 Last job (not currently in paid work) International industry classification 2-digit'.
- cjhljoc2 'History: Occupation last job (not currently in paid work) 2-digit ASCO'.
- cjhljocs 'History: ANU4 occupational status scale: Last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhljrea 'History: Main reason stopped working (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhljtha 'History: Employment length - answered weeks or years, last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhljtwk 'History: Weeks worked for last employer (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhljtyp 'History: Employment status, last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhljtyr 'History: Years worked for last employer (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhtsjha 'History: How long since last worked for pay answered weeks or years (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhwku 'History: How long since last worked for pay - less than 1 year - weeks (not currently in paid work)'.
- cjhyru 'History: How long since last worked for pay - years (not currently in paid work)'.
- coiint, coidiv, coiroy, coidvry, coirntp, coirntn. Dividends/royalties, interest and rent. Nil amounts are included. These variables are calculated as inputs into the imputation process and are now provided in the files and as components for FY investment income on the responding person financial year income model diagram.
- coiflss, coiflssa, coiflsw, coiflswa. Lump sum workers comp and lump sum superannuation. At F32 (any other source of financial year income), lump sum payments are now provided in their own variables, and counted in windfall income. They are no longer counted in regular financial year income.
- ctcr, ctcnr. Number of own resident and non-resident children. General release file. Due to an inconsistency in the allocation of children into G1b & G1d; and into G1c & G1e (all waves), the components are no longer supplied on the general release file. Instead sums are provided in these new DVs. Note that the number of children in the resident children grid (at G15) can exceed ctcr, as the number of grandchildren, stepchildren and foster children without a responsible parent in the household (G13) are also listed in the resident children grid.
Deleted variables
- ctchere, ctcnpd, ctcpdwl, ctcptnpd (see note for new variables dtcr and dtcnr).
Documentation corrections
- Added value labels for HQ Q5a to Q5m Difficulties with childcare variables bccdifcq to bccdifch -3 'Dont know/not applicable'.
Changes made to wave 2 files between releases 4.1 (Aug 2006) and 5.0 (Jan 2007)
- Cleaned 6 relationships in 3 households.
Corrections in calculations
- Reduction in FTB-A if receiving child support. Program corrected so reduction only applied if child support exceeds maintenance-free threshold.
- FTB-A Corrected wave 2 parameters for reduction in FTB-A if receiving child support: Maintenance free area parameters from (1007.4+((totkids-1)*335.8)) to (1062.15+((totkids-1)*354.05)).
- FTB-A Approximation for the large family supplement, corrected $208.05 per child to 219.00.
- Mother and Father ids (HF person number and cross wave identifiers: bhhmid bhhfid bhhmxid bhhfxid) are now calculated for all parent-child relationships in hh. Previously only supplied for individuals classified as < 15, dependent or non-dependent children (bhhrih=8,9,10).
- bedhigh Highest level of education: 69 corrections for achieved year 10 and have cert II to cert II; 10 corrections for currently in year 12 or 11 and have cert II to cert II.
bedagels. History: Age left school. If respondent incorrectly recalled that they were in school at previous interview and skipped date left school, set to last recorded age at school.
New variables
- bhgagef Imputed imputed ages for missing cases (and imputed dates of birth in the unconfidentialised (In-Confidence) files). Only imputed variables are supplied along with a flag to identify whether a case has been imputed.
- bghsf6d Braziers SF-6D Health state classification.
- bhhsos ABS section of state.
- bjhlhruw 'History: Hours a week usually worked in last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhljcnt 'History: Contract of employment, last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhlji82 'History: ISCO-88 2-digit: Last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhljii2 'History: ISIC 3.1 Last job (not currently in paid work) International industry classification 2-digit'.
- bjhljoc2 'History: Occupation last job (not currently in paid work) 2-digit ASCO'.
- bjhljocs 'History: ANU4 occupational status scale: Last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhljrea 'History: Main reason stopped working (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhljtha 'History: Employment length - answered weeks or years, last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhljtwk 'History: Weeks worked for last employer (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhljtyp 'History: Employment status, last job (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhljtyr 'History: Years worked for last employer (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhtsjha 'History: How long since last worked for pay answered weeks or years (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhwku 'History: How long since last worked for pay - less than 1 year - weeks (not currently in paid work)'.
- bjhyru 'History: How long since last worked for pay - years (not currently in paid work)'.
- boiint, boidiv, boiroy, boidvry, boirntp, boirntn. Dividends/royalties, interest and rent. Nil amounts are included. These variables are calculated as inputs into the imputation process and are now provided in the files and as components for FY investment income on the responding person financial year income model diagram.
- boiflss, boiflssa, boiflsw, boiflswa. Lump sum workers comp and lump sum superannuation At F32 (any other source of financial year income), lump sum payments are now provided in their own variables, and counted in windfall income. They are no longer counted in regular financial year income.
- btcr btcnr Number of own resident and non-resident children. General release file. Due to an inconsistency in the allocation of children into G1b & G1d; and into G1c & G1e (all waves), the components are no longer supplied on the general release file. Instead sums are provided in these new DVs. Note that the number of children in the resident children grid (at G15) can exceed btcr, as grandchildren, stepchildren and foster children without a responsible parent in the household (G13) are also listed in the resident children grid.
Deleted variables
- Combined file: dropped processing flag called last.
- btchere, btcnpd, btcpdwl, btcptnpd (see note for new variables dtcr and dtcnr).
Documentation corrections
- HQ added value labels for types of HQ Q4a to Q4m childcare used bccdifgq to bccdifch -3 'Dont know/not applicable'.
Changes made to wave 1 files between releases 4.1 (Aug 2006) and 5.0 (Jan 2007)
- aujljrsn D20 Main reason stopped working, swapped backcoded responses 15 (to 'too much travel time') and 16 (to 'migrated to a new country') to match backcoding at subsequent waves.
- Cleaned 5 relationships in 2 households.
- Education - ASCED coding. For conformity with later waves, backcoded C7a qualifications obtained (mult response, 9 changes) and C12a qualifications studying for (5 changes). These cleans had been made in the construction of the ASCED derived variables, but not in the originating variables. One change of ASCED 400 -> ASCED 421 for qualifications obtained. Changes of 310 -> 321 & unknown -> 521 for continuing qualifications. These changes do not alter highest qualification obtained aedhigh.
Corrections in calculations
- Reduction in FTB-A if receiving child support. Program corrected so reduction only applied if child support exceeds maintenance-free threshold.
- Mother and Father ids (HF person number and cross wave identifiers: ahhmid ahhfid ahhmxid ahhfxid) are now calculated for all parent-child relationships in hh. Previously only supplied for individuals classified as < 15, dependent or non-dependent children (ahhrih=8,9,10).
- aedhigh Highest level of education: 68 corrections for achieved year 10 and have cert II to cert II.
New variables
- Imputed DOB and imputed ages for missing cases introduced w1-w5. Separate date of birth and age variables are not supplied, but imputed age or date of birth flags supplied.
- Added Braziers SF-6D Health state classification aghsf6d.
- ahhsos ABS section of state.
Deleted variables
- ajbmocc was renamed from ajbmoccs (which was inconsistent with the variable naming in other waves).
Documentation corrections
- HQ added value labels for types of HQ Q4a to Q4m childcare used accdifgq to accdifch -3 'Dont know/not applicable'.