International Panel Survey Methods Workshop 2012

Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 July 2012 in Melbourne


The aim of the workshop is to foster discussion and initiate methodological research specific to the collection of panel survey data. The format of the meeting will be informal, designed to encourage interaction and collaboration. Presentations will be limited to a 10 minute summary of key findings or ideas, in order to allow generous time for discussion.

All participants will have had a chance to study materials in advance, as presenters will be asked to circulate a handout before the workshop. The handout should provide background information upon which the presentation will be built.

One person from each panel study represented at the workshop will be invited to also provide a 2-page summary of the recent and planned key methodological developments and these will be circulated prior to the workshop. The meeting will end with a brainstorming session, to identify a research agenda of the key issues.


The sponsors of the workshop are the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Previous Panel Survey Methods Workshops

5-6 July 2010, University of Mannheim

14-15 July 2008, University of Essex

General Enquiries

Ms Penny Hope
Functions Manager, Melbourne Institute
Ph: +61 3 8344 2151
Email: [email protected]