Incentives of the Current System for single and married mothers

The objective of this project is to examine effects of financial incentives on labour force participation and employment of parents. This is done by examining the effect of the current system on single and partnered mothers using two main empirical methodologies. A supplementary objective is to compare the different empirical approaches to determine whether the calculated effect of social policy changes is similar using different methodologies

The project is carried out in two stages. The first stage's main aim is to describe the current situation. In the second stage, alternative approaches to reforms of the tax and social security system are proposed and compared on a cost and effectiveness basis.

More information about Incentives of the Current System for single and married mothers (pdf 165KB)

The Melbourne Institute contact for this project is Dr Guyonne Kalb.

This project has been undertaken for the Department of Family and Community Services. The final report has been completed.

Research papers arising from the project are:


Melbourne Institute Working Paper Title


The Effect of Financial Incentives on Labour Supply: Evidence for Sole Parents from Microsimulation and Quasi-Experimental Evaluation
By Lixin Cai, Guyonne Kalb, Yi-Ping Tseng and Hong Ha Vu, PDF format(865KB)