Comparison of alternative specifications for the labour supply models in MITTS

The overall objective of this project is to improve the labour supply models incorporated in MITTS as far as possible. This is of extreme policy significance, because if the underlying labour supply models are in some sense misspecified, policy simulations based on MITTS could yield erroneous inference. However, to do this comprehensively is a major undertaking encompassing various stages. To fully understand the impact of each separate stage/refinement, a stepwise procedure is proposed in which the relevance of individual improvement is evaluated at each stage. The implications of all these refinements will be ascertained, to a certain extent, by policy simulation results based on the various models.

More information about the comparison of alternative specifications for the labour supply models in MITTS (pdf 189KB)

The Melbourne Institute contact for this project is Dr Guyonne Kalb

Project is at the final report stage.