Childcare demand and household labour supply after 2000.

This project updates the model set out in Demands for Childcare and Household Labour Supply by Doiron and Kalb (2005) published in the Economic Record. It uses data from the Child Care Survey 2002, the ABS Survey of Income and Housing Costs 2002-03 (SIHC), and the first waves of HILDA to predict demand for formal and informal childcare for children aged up to 11 years. Separate models are estimated using the Child Care Survey and the HILDA datasets.

The first stage of the work involves the estimation of the demand for childcare equations, taking labour supply as a given.The second stage involves the estimation of labour supply equations, conditional on childcare demand at different hours of work.

Researchers : A/Prof Guyonne Kalb and Dr Wang Sheng Lee

This project started at the end of 2005 and was finalised by the end of 2006.

The findings of this project were reported in a Working paper (pdf 520KB)