MITTS-related publications

January 2015


  1. Buddelmeyer, H., Creedy, J. and Kalb, G. (2007) Tax Policy Design and Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. pp.xvii+269.
  2. Creedy, J. and Kalb, G. (2006) Labour Supply and Microsimulation: The Evaluation of Tax Policy Reforms. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. pp. xx+327.
  3. Creedy, J., Duncan, A.S., Scutella, R. and Harris, M. (2002) Microsimulation Modelling of Taxation and The Labour Market: The Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. pp. xii+245.

Book Chapters

    1. Buddelmeyer, H. and G. Kalb (2008), “The effect of minimum wage changes on labour supply and income distribution”, in 2008 Minimum Wage Research Forum Proceedings, vol. 2 (Research Report No. 4b/08), pp. 211-233, Australian Fair Pay Commission, Melbourne.
    2. Creedy, J. (2004) Survey reweighting for tax microsimulation modelling. In Research in Economic Inequality, Volume 12 (ed. by Y. Amiel and J. Bishop), pp. 229-249. New York: AI Press.

    3. Creedy, J. and G. Kalb (2005) Behavioural microsimulation modelling with the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator (MITTS): uses and extensions. In Quantitative Tools for Microeconomic Policy Analysis, pp. 247-292. Canberra: AGPS. 1.
    4. Creedy, J., G. Kalb and R. Scutella (2006) Evaluating the income distribution effects of tax reforms in discrete hours models. In Research in Economic Inequality, Volume 12 (ed. by Y. Amiel and J. Bishop), pp. 199-226. New York: JAI Press.
    5. Kalb, G. and Thoresen, T.O. (2009) Behavioural Microsimulation: Labour Supply and Childcare Use Responses in Australia and Norway. In New Frontiers in Microsimulation Modelling, (ed. by A. Harding, P. Williamson and A. Zaidi), pp. 231-261. Surrey: Ashgate.

    Journal Articles

    1. Buddelmeyer, H., J. Freebairn, and G. Kalb (2006), “Evaluation of Policy Options to Encourage Welfare to Work”, Australian Economic Review, 39(3), pp. 273-292.

    2. Buddelmeyer, H., Herault, N., Kalb, G. and van Zijll de Jong, M. (2012). Linking a Dynamic CGE Model and a Microsimulation Model: Climate Change Mitigation Policies and Income Distribution in Australia, International Journal of Microsimulation, vol. 5(2), pp. 40-58
    3. Cai, L., Creedy, J. and Kalb, G. (2006) Accounting for population ageing in tax microsimulation modelling by survey reweighting. Australian Economic Papers, pp. 18-37.
    4. Cai, L., Kalb, G., Tseng,Y.-P. and Vu, H.H. (2008) “The Effect of Financial Incentives on Labour Supply: Evidence for Sole Parents from Microsimulation and Quasi-Experimental Evaluation”, Fiscal Studies, 29(2), pp. 285-325.
    5. Creedy, J. (2001) Quadratic utility, labour supply and the welfare effects of tax changes. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 4, no. 4, pp. 272-280.
    6. Creedy, J. and Duncan, A.S. (2002) Behavioural microsimulation with labour supply responses. Journal of Economic Surveys, 16, no. 1, pp. 1-39.
    7. Creedy, J. and Duncan, A.S. (2005) Aggregating labour supply and feedback effects in microsimulation. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 8, no. 3, pp. 277-290.
    8. Creedy, J. and Herault, N. Welfare-Improving Income Tax Reforms: A Microsimulation Analysis, forthcoming in Oxford Economic Papers, 64, no. 1, pp. 128-150.
    9. Creedy, J., Herault, N. and Kalb, G. Tax Policy Design and the Role of a Tax-Free Threshold, Public Finance and Management, 11, no. 4, pp. 338-364.
    10. Creedy, J., Herault, N. and Kalb, G. (2011) Comparing Welfare Change Measures with Income Change Measures in Behavioural Policy Simulations, Journal of Applied Economics,14(1), 5-34.
    11. Creedy, J., Herault, N. and Kalb, G. (2009) Abolishing the tax-free threshold in Australia: simulating alternative reforms. Fiscal Studies, 30, no. 2, pp. 219-246.
    12. Creedy, J. and Kalb, G. (2005) Behavioural microsimulation modelling for tax policy analysis in Australia: experience and prospects. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 8, no. 1, pp. 73-110. 2
    13. Creedy, J. and Kalb, G. (2005) Discrete hours labour supply modelling: specification, estimation and simulation. Journal of Economic Surveys, 19, no. 5, pp. 697-734.
    14. Creedy, J. and Kalb, G. (2005) Measuring welfare changes in labour supply models. Manchester School, 73, no. 6, pp. 664-685.
    15. Creedy, J. and Scutella, R. (2004) The role of the unit of analysis in tax policy reform evaluations. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 7, no. 1, pp. 89-108.
    16. Creedy, J., Kalb, G. and Kew, H. (2003) Flattening the effective marginal tax rate structure in Australia: policy simulations using the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator. Australian Economic Review, 36, no. 2, pp. 1-17.
    17. Creedy, J., Kalb, G. and Kew, H. (2007) Confidence intervals for policy reforms in behavioural tax microsimulation modelling. Bulletin of Economic Research, 59, no. 1, pp. 37-65.
    18. Creedy, J., Kalb, G. and Scutella, R. (2006) Income distribution in discrete hours behavioural microsimulation models: an illustration. Journal of Economic Inequality, 4, pp. 57-76.
    19. Creedy, J., Scutella, R., Harris, M. and Duncan, A.S. (2001) Wage functions for demographic groups in Australia. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 4, no. 4, pp. 300-320.
    20. Doiron, D. and Kalb, G. (2002), Demand for Childcare Services and Labour Supply in Australian Families, Australian Economic Review, 35(2), 204-213.
    21. Doiron, D. and Kalb, G. (2005), Demands for Childcare and Household Labour Supply in Australia, Economic Record , 81(254), pp. 215-236.
    22. Duncan, A. and Harris, M.N. (2002) Simulating the effect of welfare reforms among sole parents in Australia. Economic Record, 78, pp. 249-63.
    23. Kalb,G. (2004) Introduction: The Use of Simulation Models in Policy Analysis, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 7(1), pp. 1-12.
    24. Kalb, G. (2007) Interaction of the Tax and Social Security Systems in Australia: The Effect on Effective Marginal Tax Rates, Australian Economic Review, 40(2), pp. 186-193.
    25. Kalb, G. and Lee, W.-S. (2007) The Effect of an Alternative Childcare Subsidy on Labour Supply: A Policy Simulation, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 10(1), pp. 39-57.
    26. Kalb, G. and Lee, W.-S. (2008) Childcare Use and Parents’ Labour Supply in Australia, Australian Economic Papers, September, pp. 272- 295.
    27. Kalb, G. and Scutella R. (2004) Wage and employment rates in New Zealand from 1991 to 2001. New Zealand Economic Papers, 38, pp. 21-47.
    28. Kalb, G., Kew, H. and Scutella R. (2005) Effects of the Australian New Tax System on Income Tax and Benefits: With and Without Labour Supply Responses. Australian Economic Review, 38, pp. 137-158.
    29. Kalb, G. & Thoresen, T. 2010. A comparison of family policy designs of Australia and Norway using microsimulation models. Review of Economics of the Household, 8(2) : 255-287.


    1. Buddelmeyer, H., Dawkins, P. and Kalb, G. (2004) The Melbourne Institute report on the 2004 Federal Budget. MercerMelbourne Institute Quarterly Bulletin of Economic Trends, 2.04, pp. 19-23.
    2. Buddelmeyer, H., Dawkins, P., Duncan, A., Kalb, G. and Scutella, R. (2004) An analysis of the Australian Labor Party’s tax and family benefits package: using the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator (MITTS). Report to the Australian Labor Party, September 2004.
    3. Buddelmeyer, H., Dawkins, P., Freebairn, J. and Kalb, G. (2004) Bracket creep, effective marginal tax rates and alternative tax packages. Mercer Melbourne Institute Quarterly Bulletin of Economic Trends, 1.04, pp. 17- 28.
    4. Buddelmeyer, H., Herault, N. and Kalb, G. (2008) Churn’ within the Australian Tax and Transfer Systems of 2003/04 and 2008/09: An Analysis Using the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator (MITTS). Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute.
    5. Buddelmeyer, H., Herault, N., Kalb, G. and van Zijll de Jong, M. (2009) Linking a Dynamic CGE Model and a Microsimulation Model: Climate Change Mitigation Policies and Income Distribution in Australia. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper 03/09.
    6. Creedy, J. and Herault, N. (2009) Optimal marginal income tax reforms: a microsimulation analysis. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper 24/09.
    7. Creedy, J. and Herault, N. (2011) Decomposing Inequality and Social Welfare Changes: The Use of Alternative Welfare Metrics. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper 08/11.
    8. Creedy, J., Herault, N. and Kalb, G. (2007) Comparing Welfare Change Measures with Income Change Measures in Behavioural Policy Simulations. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper No. 21/07.
    9. Creedy, J., Herault, N. and Kalb, G. (2008) Tax Policy Design and the Role of a Tax-Free Threshold, Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper No. 13/08.
    10. Creedy, J., Herault, N. and Kalb, G. (2008) Abolishing the Tax-Free Threshold in Australia: Simulating Alternative Reforms, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research Working Paper No. 15/08.
    11. Doiron, D. and G. Kalb (2005) Effects of Child Care Demands and Policies on household Labour Supply in Australia. Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services Policy Research Paper no. 25.
    12. Herault, N. and F. Azpitarte (2013) Understanding Changes in Progressivity and Redistributive Effects: The Role of Tax-Transfer Policies and Labour Supply Decisions. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper, no. 33/13.
    13. Herault, N. and F. Azpitarte (2014) Recent Trends in Income Redistribution in Australia: Can the Changes in the Tax‐Transfer System Account for the Decline in Progressivity and Redistribution? Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper, no. 02/14.
    14. Herault, N., G. Kalb and J. van de Ven (2013) The Effects of Income Support Settings on Incentives to Work. Final report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.
    15. Kalb, G. (2002) Estimation of labour supply models for four separate groups in the Australian population. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper, no. 24/02.
    16. Kalb, G. (2002) Estimation of alternative labour supply model specifications for the Australian population. Final report prepared for the Department of Family and Community Services.
    17. Kalb, G. and Kew, H. (2002) The effect of a reduced allowance and pension taper rate: policy simulations using the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper, no. 25/02.
    18. Kalb, G. and Scutella. R. (2002) Estimation of wage equations in Australia: allowing for censored observations of labour supply. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper 8/02.
    19. Scutella, R. (2004) Moves to a Basic Income-Flat Tax System for Australia: the Implications for the Distribution of Income and Supply of Labour. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper 05/04.
    20. Kalb, G. and Thoresen, T. (2007) The Case for Labour Supply Incentives: A Comparison of Family Policies in Australia and Norway. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper No. 27/2007.
    21. Kalb, G., Cai, L. and Vu, H. (2004) Updating the Input for the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator. Report for the Department of Family and Community Services.
    22. Kalb, G., Kew, H. and Scutella, R. (2002) The effect of a reduced Family Payment taper rate: policy simulations using the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator. Melbourne of Applied Economic and Social Research Institute Working Paper, no. 26/2002.