Explaining the decline in the male employment-population ratio in Australia between 1971 and 2001

Over the last 30 years, the employment-to-population ratio of working-age males has declined substantially. This project seeks to identify the reasons for this decline, and in particular quantify the contributions of potential sources of the decrease. Previous research into this issue has not employed techniques allowing separate identification of the contributions of age, cohort and year effects, and the factors underpinning these effects, including changes to government policies over the period. This project will use cross-sectional unit record data gathered over the period 1971 to 2001 to construct pseudo panels, thereby permitting identification of these effects using pseudo-panel estimation techniques.

Researchers: Dr Roger Wilkins and Dr Yi-Ping Tseng

More information about Explaining the decline in the male employment-population ratio in Australia between 1971 and 2001 (pdf 138 KB)

Funded by: University of Melbourne Early Career Researcher Grant

The Melbourne Institute contact for this project is Dr Roger Wilkins.