What happens to the human capital of the unemployed over time? An analysis of changes in marginal productivity and job-finding abilities

In Australian unemployment analyses, most researchers have used reduced-form duration models. Such analyses can inform us about the characteristics that make it more likely for someone to have a long unemployment spell. They, however, do not have a causal interpretation, because they are the combined effect of various mechanisms on the labour market.

In this project we aim to set up a structural model that brings the different mechanisms in a single framework. This should yield results that are causally interpretable and therefore better suited for policy guidance than reduced form analyses.

The final report has been finished.

More information about what happens to the human capital of the unemployed over time? An analysis of changes in marginal productivity and job-finding abilities (pdf 78kb)

The Melbourne Institute contact for this project is Dr Guyonne Kalb.

Research paper arising from the project:



Melbourne Institute Working Paper Title


Job Search Success: Comparing Job Offer Rates In and Out of Employment, By Deborah Cobb-Clark, Paul Frijters and Guyonne Kalb, PDF format (321K)