Outcomes from Incentivising Education among Early School Leavers

Description and objectives of the research

It is well understood that youth from disadvantaged backgrounds under-invest in education, which reinforces their disadvantage and perpetuates intergenerational inequity. The aim of this study is to examine whether incentivising engagement in education through the income support system improves both educational and employment outcomes of early school leavers. To date, there is limited evidence that incentivising education participation in this way works, but there is strong evidence that incentivising employment has positive effects on the long-term unemployed (Fredriksson & Holmlund 2003, Jensen et al. 2003, Boone et al. 2009).


Contact: The Melbourne Institute contact for this project is Dr Cain Polidano

Progress: This project commenced in January 2013 with a final report to be submitted to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) in March 2014.