Labour Economics and Social Policy Research Publications - 2012

Refereed Journal Articles

Azpitarte, F. 2012. Measuring Poverty using both Income and Wealth: A Cross‐Country Comparison between the U.S. and Spain. Review of Income and Wealth. 58 (1): 24-50.

Black D, Polidano C, & Tseng Y. 2012. The Re-engagement in Education of Early School Leavers. Economic Papers. 31 (2): 202-215.

Creedy J & Herault N. 2012. Welfare-improving income tax reforms: A microsimulation analysis. Oxford Economic Papers. 64 (1): 128-150.

Hanel B & Riphahn R. 2012. The Employment of Mothers – Recent Developments and their Determinants in East and West Germany. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (Journal of Economics and Statistics). 232 (2): 146-176.

Hérault N, Kostenko W, Marks G & Zakirov R. The effects of macroeconomic conditions on the education and employment outcomes of youth. Australian Journal of Labour Economics. 15 (1): 17-36.

Kassenboehmer S & Haisken-DeNew J. 2012. Heresy or enlightenment? The well-being age U-shape effect is flat. Economics Letters. 117 (1): 235–238.

Le T, Gibson J & Stillman S. 2012. Wealth and saving in New Zealand: evidence from the longitudinal survey of family, income and employment. New Zealand Economic Papers. 46 (2): 93-118.