Labour Economics and Social Policy Research Publications - 2011

Refereed Journal Articles

Black D, Tseng, Y & Wilkins R. 2011. Do changes in demographic characteristics explain declining male employment rates? Examination of the Australian case using a propensity score re-weighting decomposition approach. Applied Economics. 43 (28): 4215-4226.

Borland J & Tseng Y. 2011. Does 'Work for the Dole' work?: an Australian perspective on work experience programmes. Applied Economics. 43 (28): 4353-4368.

Buddelmeyer H & Wilkins R. 2011. Effects of Tightening Smoking Regulations on Take-up and Cessation of Smoking. The Australian Economic Review. 44 (2): 167-181.

Buddelmeyer H & Wooden M. 2011. Transitions Out of Casual Employment: The Australian Experience. Industrial Relations. 50 (1): 109-130.

Creedy J, Herault N & Kalb G. 2011. Measuring Welfare Changes in Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling: Accounting for the Random Utility Component. Journal of Applied Economics. 14 (1): 5-34.

Creedy J, Herault N & Kalb G. 2011. Tax Policy Design and the Role of a Tax-Free Threshold. Public Finance and Management. 11 (4): 338-364.

Jeon S, Kalb G & Ha V. 2011. The Dynamics of Welfare Participation among Women Who Experienced Teenage Motherhood in Australia. Economic Record. 87 (277): 235-251.

Joyce CM, Schurer S, Scott A, Humphreys J & Kalb G. 2011. Australian doctors satisfaction with their work: results from the MABEL longitudinal survey of doctors. The Medical Journal of Australia. 194 (1): 30-33.

Kalb G & Maani S. 2011. The Importance of Observing Early School Leaving and Usually Unobserved Background and Peer Characteristics in Analysing Academic Performance. Australian Journal of Labour Economics. 14 (3) : 307-332.

McGrail M, Humphreys J, Joyce C, Scott A & Kalb G. 2011. Rural Amenity and Medical Workforce Shortage: Is there a Relationship? Geographical Research. 49 (2): 192-202.

Parkinson S, Johnson G, Tseng Y, Kuehnle D & Wylie N. 2011. Evaluating J2SI: Linking the Processes and Outcomes of Becoming Housed. Parity. 24 (7) : 20-23.

Polanski A. & McVicar D. 2011. Recovering social networks from individual attributes. Journal of Mathematical Sociology. 35 (4): 387-311.

Polidano C & Mavromaras K. 2011. Participation in and Completion of Vocational Education and Training for People with a Disability. The Australian Economic Review. 44 (2): 137-152.

Scott A, Jeon S-H, Joyce C, Humphreys J, Kalb G, Witt J, & Leahy A. 2011. A Randomised Trial and Economic Evaluation of the Effect of Response Mode on Response Rate, Response Bias, and Item Non-response in a Survey of Doctors. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 11:126.

Yan W, Cheng T, Scott A, Joyce M, Humphreys J, Kalb G & Leahy A. 2011. Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL). The Australian Economic Review. 44 (1): 102-112.