Labour Economics and Social Policy Research Publications - 2010

Research Book Chapters

Herault N & Thurlow J. 2010. ‘South Africa’, in Anderson K, Cockburn J & Martin W (eds), Agricultural Price Distortions, Inequality, and Poverty. Washington DC, USA: The World Bank, 331-56.

Kalb G. 2010. ‘Modelling Labour Supply Responses in Australia and New Zealand’, in Claus I, Gemmell N & White D (eds), Tax Reform in Open Economies: International and Country Perspectives. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 166-93.

Refereed Journal Articles

Alan S, Atalay K, Crossley T & Jeon S. 2010. ‘New Evidence on Taxes and Portfolio Choice’. Journal of Public Economics. 94 (11-12): 813-23.

Anyadike-Danes M & McVicar D. 2010. ‘My Brilliant Career: Characterizing the Labour Market Trajectories of British Women of Generation X’. Sociological Methods & Research. 58 (3): 482-512.

Bell D & McVicar D. 2010. ‘Disability Welfare Systems and the Labour Force Participation of Older Workers in Europe’. Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences. 5 (3): 261-77.

Black D, Tseng Y & Wilkins R. 2010. ‘The Decline in Male Employment in Australia: A Cohort Analysis’. Australian Economic Papers. 49 (3): 180-99.

Buddelmeyer H, Jensen P & Webster E. 2010. ‘Innovation and the Determinants of Company Survival’. Oxford Economic Papers. 62 (2): 261-85.

Buddelmeyer H, Lee W & Wooden M. 2010. ‘Low-Paid Employment and Unemployment Dynamics in Australia’. Economic Record. 86 (272): 28-48.

Cai L. 2010. ‘The Relationship between Health and Labour Force Participation: Evidence from a Panel Data Simultaneous Equation Model’. Labour Economics. 17 (1): 77-90.

Gregg P, Scutella R & Wadsworth J. 2010. ‘Reconciling Workless Measures at the Individual and Household Level. Theory and Evidence from the United States, Britain, Germany, Spain and Australia’. Journal of Population Economics. 23 (1): 139-67.

Hanel B. 2010. ‘Financial Incentives to Postpone Retirement and Further Effects on Employment Evidence from a Natural Experiment’. Labour Economics. 17 (3): 474-86.

Herault N. 2010. ‘Sequential Linking of Computable General Equilibrium and Microsimulation Models: A Comparison of Behavioural and Reweighting Techniques’. International Journal of Microsimulation. 3 (1): 35-42.

Joyce C, Scott A, Jeon S, Humphreys J, Kalb G, Witt J & Leahy A. 2010. ‘The "Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL)" Longitudinal Survey Protocol and Baseline Data for a Prospective Cohort Study of Australian Doctors' Workforce Participation’. BMC Health Services Research. 10 (50).

Kalb G & Thoresen T. 2010. ‘A Comparison of Family Policy Designs of Australia and Norway Using Microsimulation Models’. Review of Economics of the Household. 8 (2): 255-87.

McGrail M, Humphreys J, Joyce C, Scott A & Kalb G. 2010. ‘Professional Satisfaction and General Practice: Does It Vary by Size of Community?’ Medical Journal of Australia. 193 (2): 94-6.

McVicar D. 2010. ‘Does Job Search Monitoring Intensity Affect Unemployment? Evidence from Northern Ireland’. Economica. 77 (306): 296-313.

McVicar D & Anyadike-Danes M. 2010. ‘Panel Estimates of the Determinants of British Regional Male Incapacity Benefits Rolls 19982006’. Applied Economics. 42 (26): 3335-49.

Mavromaras K, McGuinness S, O'Leary N, Sloane P & Fok YK. 2010. ‘The Problem of Overskilling in Australia and Britain’. Manchester School. 78 (3): 219-41.

Scutella R & Wilkins R. 2010. ‘Measuring Social Exclusion in Australia: Assessing Existing Data Sources’. Australian Economic Review. 43 (4): 449-63.

Warren D & Oguzoglu U. 2010. ‘Retirement in Australia: A Closer Look at the Financial Incentives’. Australian Economic Review. 43 (4): 357-75.