Labour Economics and Social Policy Research Publications - 2009

Research Book Chapters

Herault N. 2009. Labour Supply Modelling in Sequential Computable General Equilibrium-Microsimulation Models. Emerging Topics in Macroeconomics. New York, United States: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 3-11.

Kalb G & Thoresen T. 2009. Behavioural Microsimulation: Labour Supply and Childcare Use Responses in Australia and Norway. New Frontiers in Microsimulation Modelling. United Kingdom: Ashgate, pp. 231-261.

Marks G. 2009. The Influence of Cultural Capital on Educational and early Labour Market Outcomes of Young People in Australia. Quantifying Theory: Bourdieu. Netherlands: Springer, pp. 89-103.

McClelland A & Scutella R. 2009. Taxation: Paying for Policy. Social Policy in Australia: Understanding for Action. South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press, pp. 250-265.

Refereed Journal Articles

Cai L. 2009. Be Wealthy to Stay Healthy: An Analysis of Older Australians Using the HILDA Survey. Journal of Sociology. 45 (1): 55-70.

Cai L. 2009. Effects of Health on Wages of Australian Men. The Economic Record. 85 (270): 290-306.

Cai L. 2009. Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Models with Latent Dependent Variables: A Monte Carlo Evaluation. Applied Economics Letters. 16 (11): 1107-1112.

Cai L. 2009. Is Self-reported Disability Status Endogenous to Labour Force Status? Applied Economics Letters. 16 (5): 459-464.

Cai L & Cong C. 2009. Effects of Health and Chronic Diseases on Older Working-age Australians. Australian Economic Papers. 48 (2): 166-182.

Creedy J, Herault N & Kalb G. 2009. Abolishing the Tax-free Threshold in Australia: Simulating Alternative Reforms. Fiscal Studies. 30 (2): 219-246.

Crossley T, Hurley J & Jeon S. 2009. Physician Labour Supply in Canada: A Cohort Analysis. Health Economics. 18 (4): 437-456.

Drago R, Wooden M & Black D. 2009. Long Work Hours: Volunteers and Conscripts. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 47 (3): 571-600.

Drago R, Wooden M & Black D. 2009. Who Wants Flexibility? Changing Work Hours Preferences and Life Events. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 62 (3): 394-414.

Herault N. 2009. Les Apports de la Micro-simulation Aux Modles Dquilibre Gnral: Application au cas de Afrique du Sud. Economie et Prevision. 187 (1): 123-135.

Kalb G. 2009. Children, Labour Supply and Childcare: Challenges for Empirical Analysis. Australian Economic Review. 42 (3): 276-299.

Mavromaras K, Fok YK & McGuinness S. 2009. Assessing the Incidence and Wage Effects of Overskilling in the Australian Labour Market. The Economic Record. 85 (268): 60-72.