Labour Economics and Social Policy Research Publications - 2007

Authored Research Books

Buddelmeyer H, Creedy J & Kalb G. 2007. Tax Policy Design and Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Refereed Journal Articles

Borland J & Tseng Y. 2007. Does a Minimum Job Search Requirement for the Unemployed Reduce their Time on Welfare Payments? Evidence from the Job Seeker Diary in Australia. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 60 (3): 357-378.

Cai L, Vu T & Wilkins R. 2007. Disability Support Pension Recipients: Who Gets Off (and Stays Off) Payments? Australian Economic Review. 40 (1): 37-61.

Creedy J, Kalb G & Kew HY. 2007. Confidence Intervals for Policy Reforms in Behavioural Tax Microsimulation Modelling. Bulletin of Economic Research. 59 (1): 37-65.

Crossley F & Jeon S. 2007. Joint Taxation and the Labour Supply of Married Women: Evidence from the Canadian Tax Reform of 1988. Fiscal Studies. 28 (3): 343-365.

Drago R, Scutella R & Pirretti A. 2007. Work and Family Directions in the US and Australia:A Policy Research Agenda. Journal of Industrial Relations. 49 (1): 49-66.

Heitmeuller A & Mavromaras K. 2007. On the Post-Unification Development of Public and Private Pay in Germany. Manchester School. 75 (4): 422-444.

Herault N. 2007. Trade Liberalisation, Poverty and Inequality in South Africa: A CGE-Microsimulation analysis. Economic Record. 83 (262): 317-328.

Jeon S & Hurley J. 2007. The Relationship Between Physician Hours of Work, Service Volume and Service Intensity. Canadian Public Policy. 33: 17-29.

Kalb G. 2007. Interaction of the Tax and Social Security Systems in Australia: The Effect on Effective Marginal Tax Rates. Australian Economic Review. 40 (2): 186-193.

Kalb G & Lee W. 2007. The Effect of an Alternative Childcare Subsidy on Labour Supply: a Policy Simulation. Australian Journal of Labour Economics. 10 (1): 39-57.

Lee W & Oguzoglu U. 2007. Income Support and Stigma Effects for Young Australians. Australian Economic Review. 40 (4): 369-384.

Maani S & Kalb G. 2007. Childhood Economic Resources, Academic Performance, and the Choice to Leave School at Age Sixteen. Economics of Education Review. 26 (3): 361-374.

Mavromaras K, McGuinness S & Wooden M. 2007. Overskilling in the Australian Labour Market. Australian Economic Review. 40 (3): 307-312.

Webster E, Buddelmeyer H & Jensen P. 2007. Innovation and industrial evolution. Australian Economic Review. 40 (1): 82-89.