International Reform Monitor

The Melbourne Institute is a member of an international network which monitors labour market and social policy developments in fifteen OECD countries. The network is funded by the Bertelsmann Foundation and is co-ordinated by Prognos AG in Switzerland. Members of this network include the Brookings Institute in the US, the Caledon Institute together with the Center for the Study of Living Standards (both in Ottawa, Canada), the Japan Institute of Labor together with the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research at the Japanese Ministry of Welfare, as well as a number of European research organisations.

The partners cooperating in the international network report twice yearly on developments in industrial relations, labour market and social policy in their respective countries. More detailed expert reports on specific issues are also periodically provided in response to requests by the Bertelsmann Foundation. A meeting of network members is held each year in May.

Dr Roger Wilkins is our representative to this network.

For more information see International Reform Monitor .