Overview of Research from the 2005-2009 and 2010 Social Policy Research Services (SPRS) Contract

The Melbourne Institute has produced a set of eight information sheets aimed at covering all 41 reports produced under the 2005-2009 and 2010 SPRS Contract. The thematic approach highlights the contributions on a range of topics. Such an overview will facilitate the choice of areas for further research, and reveal areas which have received relatively little attention.

The themes are the following:

Each information sheet contains an overview table summarising the results on the relevant theme(presented in an Appendix) combined with a discussion of these results, highlighting and explaining if necessary consistencies/inconsistencies of results. Each information sheet also contains in dotpoint form the contributions of the Melbourne Institute projects to knowledge on the topic and canvasses possible policy implications. A reference list to all relevant reports is also included.

A few examples of key findings from the eight information sheets are: