Collection and Analysis of Survey Data
To develop strong economic and social policy, it is critical to draw upon evidence. The Melbourne Institute has extraordinary expertise and experience in the analysis of economic and social data. We have built an enviable, world-class reputation for providing and managing survey data.
From the large-scale surveys we undertake, we gain rich insights which help to inform Australian public policy that contributes to the betterment of people’s lives.
The Melbourne Institute is involved in four major data collections:
Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey
This is Australia’s only nationally representative household panel study (funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services).
Journeys Home: A longitudinal Study of Factors Affecting Housing Stability
This is a survey of a sample of Centrelink clients identified as being homeless or at risk of, or vulnerable to, homelessness (also funded by DSS).
Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) Survey
This longitudinal survey of over 50,000 Australian doctors is funded by a grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council, and seeks to improve our understanding of how changes in the working lives of Australian doctors influence the provision of healthcare.
Consumer Attitudes, Sentiments & Expectations (CASiE) in Australia Survey
This monthly telephone survey of households commenced in 1974 and is the source of, among other things, the Westpac – Melbourne Institute Consumer Sentiment Index.