Workshop on Homelessness and Housing Insecurity
Thursday 13 March 2014 at the University of Melbourne
Although efforts have been made to eliminate homelessness in much of the developed world, homelessness remains a cause for concern. In Australia, even after making substantial investments to improve the supply of, and access to, affordable housing the number of people homeless in Australia remains persistently high with 105,237 people counted as being homeless on Census night in 2011. Join us in this workshop with leading international researchers to discuss the latest research on homelessness and housing insecurity. Topics will address both the determinants and consequences of housing vulnerability, and importantly what we can learn from international approaches to prevent homelessness.
More information
9.00-9.30am | Registration |
9.30 - 10.30am | Session 1 |
9.30 - 9.40am | Chair: Deborah Cobb-Clark |
9.40 - 10.30am | What can we learn from homelessness in the USA? Brendan O'Flaherty |
10.30 - 11.00am | Morning Tea |
11.00am - 12.30pm | Session 2 |
Chair: Justin van de Ven | |
Homelessness duration dependence Deborah Cobb-Clark, Nicolas Hérault, Rosanna Scutella and Yi-Ping Tseng |
Discussant: Gavin Wood | |
Housing insecurity and labour market insecurity Sharon Parkinson |
Discussant: Mark Wooden | |
12.30 - 1.30pm | Lunch |
1.30 - 3.00pm | Session 3 |
Chair: Yi-Ping Tseng | |
Smoking and drinking patterns in a vulnerable population Christopher Magee |
Discussant: Tim Moore | |
Substance use and homelessness Julia Moschion, Duncan McVicar and Jan van Ours |
Discussant: David Ribar | |
3.00 - 3.30pm | Afternoon Tea |
3.30 - 5.00pm | Session 4 |
Chair: Guyonne Kalb | |
Psychological distress and homeless duration Rosanna Scutella and Guy Johnson |
Discussant: Francisco Azpitarte | |
Child violence, later homelessness and revictimisation Guy Johnson, Rosanna Scutella and Yi-Ping Tseng |
Discussant: Anna Zhu | |
5.30pm | Drinks and informal dinner |
Melbourne Institute Seminar Room, Level 6, 111 Barry Street, Carlton
General Enquiries
Ms Penny Hope
Functions Manager, Melbourne Institute
Ph: +61 3 8344 2151
Email: [email protected]