Firm Entry and Exit
This project will examine determinants and effects of enterprise entry and exit on growth, export and productivity in Australian industry using innovative panel enterprise data sets which have been collated and linked from existing ABS surveys, administrative data and accounting data. Currently, there is only one short longitudinal enterprise data set in Australia. Further data sets are required if policy makers are to understand patterns and causes of growth and business survival in Australia. Understanding provided from these studies should significantly improve our understanding of how businesses perform.
Recent papers include:
- Webster, E., Buddelmeyer, H. and Jensen, P. (2007) Innovation and Industrial Evolution Australian Economic Review, March.
- A. Palangkaraya and J. Yong, Exporter and Non-Exporter Productivity Differentials: Evidence from Australian Manufacturing Establishments . PDF format (360K)
- Paul H. Jensen, Elizabeth Webster and Hielke Buddelmeyer, Innovation, Technological Conditions and New Firm Survival. PDF format (256K)
- Hielke Buddelmeyer, Paul H. Jensen and Elizabeth Webster, Innovation and the Determinants of Firm Survival,PDF format (364K)
- A. Palangkaraya and J. Yong, Entry, Exit, and Productivity of Indonesian Electronics Manufacturing Plants,PDF format (327K)
- Alfons Palangkaraya, Andreas Stierwald and Jongsay Yong, Is firm productivity related to firrm size and Age? The case of large Australian firrms, PDF format
For further information on these papers or the data sets used please contact Professor Elizabeth Webster on [email protected].