HILDA online data dictionary - Help/Information
The HILDA online data dictionary (ODD) is designed to provide easy access to HILDA metadata.  The database essentially provides the user with the information previously available in HILDA codebooks(.pdf). The ODD allows users to search HILDA metadata 5 different ways:  by keyword, subject area, variable and derived variable name and data file type.
A keyword search of HILDA variable labels and notes is conducted if the user selects this search method. The underlying database engine will return variables where any part of the search string entered by the user is found.
Subject area:
The subject area search allows users to search the database by general and specific subject areas. Each variable in the HILDA dataset is classified by general and specific subject areas, with specific subject classifications nested within general subject areas. This search option allows the user to select general and nested specific subject areas that may be of interest using pull-down lists.  The subject area classifications employed to group variables in the ODD are the same as those used in the 'by subject' codebook(.pdf).    
Variable name:
This search option allows users to search by specific variable name, using either a pull-down list or text box. As the ODD is designed to provide variable information cross-wave, when using the text box option to search for a specific variable, users must enter the variable name omitting the first character wave identifer. i.e. hgage NOT fhgage.
Derived variable name:
This search option operates as per the 'variable name' search, but will only return information for derived variables.
Variable search results page:
This page displays results from variable searches with variable information listed as rows. Depending on the type of search engaged, the number of result rows returned will vary and where more than 25 rows are returned, results are shown using table paging. Variables are displayed by wave and by file and column labels can be clicked to re-order table results. The 'categories' and 'cross-wave' columns are hyperlink fields and when clicked show Variable Detail and Cross-Wave information respectively for a selected variable.
Cross-wave page:
The cross-wave information page shows the form and questionnaire number for a selected variable for each wave. If no data were collected for a variable in a particular wave, no information will be displayed in the wave column. Form and questionnaire information in wave columns are hyperlinked, and when clicked will display variable detail information. Other information shown on this page includes the variable name, label, file type and specific subject classification.
Variable details page:
The variables details page displays a range of information pertaining variables. Information relating to a variable's label, questionnaire number and text, population, notes, subject area classification, file, data type and format is shown on this page. Also, the questionnaire page number of the variable is displayed as a hyperlink, and when clicked will take the user to a list of all other variables displayed on the page.  In addition to variable information, the variable's values/codes and labels are also displayed on this page.